
I have started writing this without a goal or topic or title. But there are things I wish to express.

1. If I have to chase you for answers, you will not find me following. I will be right where I am waiting for you to stop playing games or if I do choose to play, it will be the brat you get to deal with.

2. When the cards are down and you are not there, you will find your priority in my life to be significantly lower than prior. Being there for me takes on many forms, just like everyone's love language is different.

3. If you can't be bothered to be honest, I will leave. Say what you mean, mean what you say. It really is that simple. Life happens and it will get in the way of anyone fulfilling something they said they would do, however if it happens too much then obviously we value each other differently.

4. Your business is yours, just as mine is mine. However spreading stories about me; not cool. You will find yourself in possession of less sensitive information in very short order.

5. I don't get emotional or excited about things I know nothing about. Don't expect me to be emotional about things you don't explain or I don't have a point of reference for.

6. I will only be as loyal as you are; dependable as you are, in short what you give me I will give back. If you choose to insult, expect insults. Oh and the Brat in me loves a good insult trading war, I highly advise against it as she has no shame.

7. There is no room in my life for those who disrespect me, or have no care for my person. Disrespect I take as the first demonstration that you have no care for my person. I have a tendency to segment this one based on areas; Witchcraft/Pagan, friend, etc. No one is expected to excel in every aspect of life, but don't expect me to include you in an area of my life that you have shown disrespect.

Upon seeing what I was listing I decided that this is a post about my boundaries and have named it as such.


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