Feminism and WW2 - A What If?

What if the reason for (radical) feminism is the result of World War 2 Veterans suffering from PTSD and the amount of men killed?

Think about the mentality of the era in general.

World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945 and the USA lost a horrible 420,000 soldiers. According to a Google.com search there was 130.9 million people in the USA in 1939 with 139.9 million in 1945.

The country had just come out of the Great Depression.

There was still a rugged individualism in the country with most people still growing their own food and used to hard times.

This makes for some very resilient people and to due to regular new constantly covering the death of the war some very traumatized people.

Try to imagine living through the fear of the draft for the war, after living through the hardships of not knowing if you will be able to feed your family.

Then home comes the bodies and the PTSD suffering men.

What woman would not want to be able to provide for her kids if her husband wasn't able to hold a job or being overly violent?

What hardened by the life lived woman wouldn't stand up and say I am better off without this?

There are a few songs from the children of these families about how papa met an untimely end. There are also fictional stories too.

The second wave of feminism is said to have started in the 1960s. This is just a few years after the official start of the Vietnam War in 1965. These are the children and grandchildren of those who survived the Great Depression and World War 2.

Just saying


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