Love: Self, Language, Receiving, Perfect ...

As always when it comes to things of this nature I struggle to come up with decent content.

The dictionary defines Love in a few different manners, all dependent on what topic the love is directed to, but each definition is of a intense positive feeling for "X". But the dictionary definition, while useful, falls horribly short as anyone who has been in Love knows.

Many of us have barriers to receiving Love. Most of, if not all of, these barriers are situated in Fear. People will hide behind negative emotions; pride, cynicism, etc. in order to avoid Love. Sometimes it is a matter of expecting 1 Love Language, but not receiving it.

For the most part there are 5 Love Languages there is a book on them too. Essentially these languages are; Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Receiving Gifts. If your Love Language is different than the person who is trying to express their Love and you do not realize it you could be missing out of receiving their Love.

Words of Affirmation is simply words that express caring and these people need to hear them like the rest of us need air to breath.

Physical Touch is positive touching; however due to our current social structure in America touching some one can lead to legal problems.

Acts of Service is doing something for someone that requires sacrifice on the givers side.

Quality Time is spending time with another.

(Receiving) Gifts is the giving/receiving of objects, but these objects do not have to cost a lot they just have to be personal and have the "I thought about you when" feature.

Prior to the Motorcycle accident (Feb. 16, 2018) my love language was that of Gifts. I preferred to give gifts over any other method of expressing Love for another. Now it seems that Quality Time is the more important one. Interesting. Just one of the ways I have changed I guess. What is interesting to me is how many are not comfortable with Gifts as a sign of affection and then on the other side how many would take advantage of this Love Language.

Now since this is a pagan run blog it is time to address Perfect Love; as it is a phrase brought up in the Pagan world. Patheos Blogger Article  Patheos Blogger Article

"Love is what we long to receive and to give, yet our intimate relationships are conflicted and often painful. The late psychologist John Welwood looks at the difference between absolute and relative love, and the wound within each of us that no other can heal. While most of us have moments of loving freely and openly, it is often hard to sustain such love where it matters most—in our intimate relationships. This creates a strange gap between absolute love—the perfect love we can know in our heart—and relative love, the imperfect ways it is embodied in our relationships." from Here

In short Absolute Love is appreciating a person for who they are and Relative Love is the more common because of Human Fears blocking the Absolute Love from being fully expressed. In most relationships there are fluctuations in the level of Love due to the Human Fears; rejection, loss, etc. This happens because Absolute Love requires complete vulnerability.

Even though this is a Pagan Blog there are bits of useful information from Christians; they after all seem to have the corner market on a few things.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18.
This bible verse seems to echo the sentiment expressed above that Absolute Love is Love fully expressed without Fear. Therefore it can be said that Perfect Love could be inferred to be the Absolute Love mentioned above. However it is a worthy question; Can there ever be Perfect Love in any human interaction given our propensity toward Fear that blocks the Absolute expression of Love? The answer to that question should direct you on which paths in Pagan are for you.

For me the use of "Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" as a password is foolish. Because for me while some can obtain that place of Perfect Love they don't stay there long and as stated this state fluctuates constantly. It is foolish because of the fluctuations and the inability for a person to perceive where another is on that scale of Absolute Love to Relative Love. If you do not know where a person is on that scale prior to imparting the Trust part of the statement then you cannot Trust Perfectly, because you will always hold back some part out of Fear. It is a statement that sets everyone who uses it up for failure, because I have yet to meet a human being that actually expresses Absolute Love under every condition and all the time. In other words; there is no Perfect Trust because there is no Perfect Love from any human and that makes this "password" a lie.

In the Qabalah The Path of Love is between Sephiroth Tiphareth and Sephiroth Netzach. The Sephiroth is said to be the emanations of Beauty and corresponds to the Heart. With the Sephiroth Netzach being said to emanate Eternity and correspond to the left hip and leg. This is also one of the Paths from the Ethical Triad to the Astral Triad.


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