Living the Wheel of the Year - Building Community and Family

While at Florida Pagan Gathering for their Samhain celebration at Maddox Ranch I hit upon a topic that I don't really hear spoken about much, but is really critical for building community and ultimately for creating your own "chosen family".

We, as in all Pagans etc., talk about and worship the Wheel of the Year, but how many actually apply this to their lives?

There are many of us who fall into the Spring and Summer only people category. As in we are only there when things are new, the work easy, and food/reward plentiful.

The trick is to also be or find the people who are there for the Autumn and Winter parts of life. When there is a lot of work and times are hard. I get it. It is very difficult to be there for people when they need a lot of work or when they are going through hard times. It is also the responsibility of the person experiencing the Autumn or Winter to appropriately use the resources others can give and not expect them to cause an Autumn or Winter for themselves in the process of helping.

When I was in the motorcycle accident it left me unable to do many things. My family, blood and chosen, stepped up. Some could send money, some could do work around the house, some made sure I ate, and some could only spend time with me. I am and was grateful for each bit of help I got, no matter how small, because when you added it all together it added up to a great deal.


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