Blue Screen of Death ... Otherwise Known as Errors

I would be remiss if I didn't cover the topic of errors if I am going to beat on an incident that created a huge change in my direction.

You Tube Videos I have watched on the topic:
Webinar: Human Error Prevention speaker is Martin Lush
Type I Error vs Type II Error
12 Cognitive Biases Explained

The reason that I refuse to continue with the Tradition that the High Priestess and High Priest belong to is because that Tradition is completely devoid of what is considered "Best Practices" for safety. The Tradition in question does not promote open communication about concerns, are constantly looking to assign blame, claim to understand how symbols effect the brain yet refuses to use that information to make a safer situation using modern understanding of psychology, refuse to address that an error occurs from a series of events, refuses to make changes (additions) to address issues, rather train than educate its members, has no detection methods for reporting errors so that others can learn from them.

I admit my opinion is rather Bias. I can say that I am guilty of the Anchoring Bias, and Availability Heuristic Bias in regards to that Tradition.

I suffered because of Confirmation Bias, Ostrich Bias, and Selective Perception Bias from my teacher and the Tradition in question.

However I had help from my teacher in developing the Anchoring Bias, Availability Bias, Bandwagon Effect and Selective Perception. This is because my teacher had been in the Tradition for decades and I doubt looked outside of it. Either that or my teacher suffers from bias more than is realized.

The Anchoring Bias came from the books I had read prior being primarily focused on wicca, the fact that the first interaction I had with a "formal" religion in the Pagan community was this particular Tradition, and the first person willing to impart information was of this particular Tradition.

The Availability Heuristic Bias came from constantly hearing from my teacher how superior the Tradition my teacher followed was and my teacher seemingly only introducing me to others of the same opinion.

The Bandwagon Effect came from the Tradition it's self promoting the idea that they are the origin of all wicca and thus have superior information.

Confirmation Bias came in from my teacher and others in the Tradition only wanting to see what confirmed their prior views.

Ostrich Bias comes in from the Tradition ignoring other "near miss" accidents that would have clued them in to unsafe practices that need modification.

There is probably more, but these are the most obvious to me.

I have attempted to change my opinion of the Tradition in question, but their behaviors just keep reinforcing my original opinion. Yes I did change my behavior set, instead of being outgoing, inquisitive, and bold I changed to meek, quiet, and withdrawn. My opinion that the Tradition does not share my values; integrity, honor, honesty, have been supported. It is completely possible that the Tradition is suffering from Bias and as a result did not adjust themselves to my new behavior pattern.

With All of that Said

The Tradition in Question is a threat to the Pagan Community, because it refuses to accept its responsibility when accidents happen instead blames the person with the least social clout who is often the person with the least rank. In my case; me. Eventually this Tradition will injure someone who has no clue or no care as to the greater damage that will be done if the media should get a hold of a lawsuit based in the Pagan Community. The majority of America still holds that witches are evil creatures and such media attention will cause a significant outpouring of negative attention to those who are "out of the broom closet"


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