The Need for More than One

In the Pagan Community there is a little bit of a debate on an one self initiate or elevate. It is rather comical for me to listen/observe; let me tell you why.

If you are wanting to have a lineage then it is not possible to self initiate or elevate. That is the end of the line on that. Because the entirety of Lineage is based on it being passed down from one to another.


If you do not care about a Lineage, then the waters get a bit more murky or it does for some. I have consciously practice magic since I was 15 (I am 38 as of this writing) and it was not until 2015 that I decided to seek out the Pagan Community found in Festivals. I can tell you from personal experience that my workings alone are just as powerful as those with groups.

So why the debate in the Pagan Community?
Simple answer: Power

The Lineage Traditions, who if we are being honest really did kick things off, are threatened by the ability of those not under their thumb to practice. Then one has to ask oneself then what about those mail order things that happened way back then. Alright so not a complete answer.

What is so threatening about today's Witch being able to practice without the "almighty" oversight of supposedly superior Lineaged Witches? Really I think the threat is the Internet and how easy it is to pass information these days. A Lot, by that I mean practically every Lineaged Witch, I have met says that the information available on the internet is like giving a baby a gun. Ok. Let us go with that analogy. A baby can't, except with some serious help or by shear accident, muster the strength to pull the trigger on a normal gun. In short if you can't properly power the spell, ritual, etc then you really can't pull it off.

So what is the power they are afraid of? Well that they will lose control (hello you already have) of the growth and development of new Witches. That those Witches outside of their control will surpass them (hello they already have) in strength, ability, etc.

So what is the problem ultimately?
The older generation not willing to concede the positions of ruling to the younger generation. This has happened, in my opinion, because the leaders of covens in Lineaged Traditions are women and they refuse to recognize the sovereign authority of their priests as representatives of the God of Death and Resurrection.

Again that is a Power problem. That they will not let the Male Energy do it's job, because it removes the Power they have accumulated.

This is a run over from the greater American Culture that has promoted the power of the able to Reproduce and Young to the exclusion of the power of the Wise Elder. So why don't these High Priestess lead the way and show us how to weld the Power of the Wise Elder?


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