Using Power with Intent - Choosing to be the Change

We all have power, the question is how we use it.

Power like magic is not inherently good or evil, but it can be used for the concepts of good or evil. Remember though that good and evil are constructs that are often based off of our concept of what is perceived as beneficial to ourselves or not. There are some rather universal "bad" things such as murder, rape, etc. But for the most part "good" and "evil" are very subjective.

So long as you have the ability to interact with the world, you have power. How you spend that power and how the results of the use of that power are perceived colors other's view of you and you of yourself.

As with all Paganism there is an active and a passive use of power. You can actively use your power or you can passively use it. Passive use could be choosing to not use it. Where as we are all more familiar with the active uses of power; orders, directives, etc.

However, as with magic, the use of power has to also be balanced. Driven by the elements and polarity otherwise power goes else where. Or as in some cases, goes horribly wrong.

How you use the power you have determines if you get more. If you spend your money wisely, then you will find more in your life. As Above, So Below. The same goes for resources. What you support with what you have is what you will find. I remember when someone started a trend of paying for the fast food meal or coffee of the person behind them. They used their power in the form of money to spread kindness.

You can do this as well, just choose to be the change you want to see.


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