Passion Informs the Need for Limits

Passion is typically assigned to the element Fire. In my studies with in their Constitution 101 course the lecturer for Lesson 3 states that "Passion informs the need for limits" This is in reference to the reasons for the need to limit the power of the government. After all while we all have a "good" side we also have a "bad" side. This bad side is a "lower" form or based in our passions. Naturally when I heard the word Passions and the need to limit my brain went into over drive making connections. The connections I made were related to how the elements interact with each other.

What I first connected was that of the 4 elements, those considered to be male or active elements typically are not elements one can control. Both Air and Fire can be contained, managed, directed, but they really cannot be controlled.

Then I moved on to how does one manage Fire? 

Well if you cut off Air then it will go out, that is not really management, but rather extinguishment of. If the amount of Air is increased then you will increase the burn rate of the Fire. So between the two, cutting off and increasing, you can manage the intensity of Fire. Alright I moved to the other neighbor of Fire; Water. Water interacts with Fire in much the same way as Air. If you add Water the Fire will decrease and if you add too much the Fire will go out. Remove Water and Fire can burn more faster; increases the burn rate.

Finally you have Earth. However with Earth things are a bit different. If you remove or add Earth it all depends on How you do so on the results. If you add Earth in a manner that creates a bowl then you can effectively contain the fire for use. Depending on the intensity of the Fire dictates if you can smother the Fire with Earth or if Fire will transform the Earth into a molten state. Remove Earth and Fire will run amuck and burn everything. Earth is how you manage Fire.

Alright; What does this mean in other terms?

Fire = Passion
Air = Intelligence
Water = Daring or Emotions
Earth = Silence or Grounding

Intelligence can fan passions to new heights or dampen the passion to manageable amounts.

Being Daring can feed the passion by creating new situations. As Passion is considered primarily an emotion; adding more emotions can fan the passion to greater intensity.

Silence can destroy or build a new idea depending on the application. After all how many times have you met so much resistance that you "gave up"? At the same time how many times has resistance given better shape to your passion?


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