
Traditionally, an initiation is an act of initiating to admit to membership in an organization, fraternity, cult, etc, usually with special rites, instructions, and/or ceremony, and the imparting of secret knowledge. The initiation is often a ritual usually designed by another, or others, to indoctrinate one into a different way of thinking and being. [2]

In many initiations, what is performed is unknown to the one being initiated. This is especially true when secret knowledge of any form is imparted. Other than imparting secret knowledge, one of the reasons for the initiate not knowing what will be done before is to strengthen the awareness that the individual is moving from a past, and breaking with the past, to move into a new role and new life. In many ways the initiation is symbolic of a rebirth into a new form and new order whatever that new form and new order may be. [2]

The elements of the initiation ritual are usually not something of which the individual is fully aware to create the element of surprise. The " not knowing" takes us out of mind and into the unknown while simultaneously allowing one to experience "not doing." Not doing is something that we do that is not characteristic of how our ego has defined who we are and what we do that allows us to expand ourselves beyond the limits and barriers as to how we have defined ourselves. [2]

There are two primary types of initiations. One is designed to indoctrinate us into a specific way of thinking and being characteristic of a tradition, religious or secular, or a social element or class. The second type of initiation is one designed specifically for us based on what we need to address to change to a different way of being in the world. [2]

How Many Times?

One question that often arises is how many times does one require an initiation. There is a general understanding prevalent that one is only initiated once and there is a truth is this. We only need to be initiated once to any level of understanding and any particular way of being or state of existence. [1]

However, the path of life is spiral and onion like in nature. We continually spiral around in our understanding to a new level and new depth and we continually peal of the layers of life to reveal deeper and deeper layers to life and to the truth of reality. Additionally, the mundane of the world keeps pulling us back into old patterns of life and/or continually distract our attention and awareness. In our journey through life we may find it appropriate to be initiated again and again to each new and deeper level of truth we obtain or to reaffirm and existing way of being to resist the distraction of the mundane. [1]

But it needs to be emphasized, the ritual is only the outer actions of a inner transformation. If one does not fully embrace the changes within, the ritual becomes a hollow shell and meaningless. In any case, if there should be some type of life change that accompanies the initiation such that one can show how the past before the initiation is different than present. In some way we must act differently in the world. [1]

Coven Initiation

For most people, the word initiation brings to mind a secret ceremony in which a person is admitted into a specific organization. If your aim is to join a traditional coven, then this is an apt description. In Wicca, the classic sense of initiation involves the passing down of specific traditions from one Witch to another. In this lineage system, would-be members of a coven will study under the mentorship of the initiated, experienced members until they are knowledgeable and practiced enough to participate in coven rituals, and—most importantly—to commit themselves to spiritual fellowship with the group. [3]

In keeping with the traditions of secrecy regarding the Craft, the vast majority of covens do not share the details of their initiation rituals with outsiders. However, there are some general characteristics that many coven processes have in common—and initiation is indeed a process, a series of steps leading to an experience of spiritual transformation that involves, but is not limited to, the moment of the rite itself. [3]

First, the would-be initiate meets and spends time with the coven members, learning basic information about the coven’s history and the tradition(s) they follow, and generally getting a sense for whether or not this particular group is a good fit. This is a crucial undertaking, for both the individual and the coven. A coven needs its members to be wholly committed to participating in rituals and contributing their energy on a consistent basis. [3]

If you do find a good fit and decide to begin the initiation process, you will then enter a period of study and mentorship with one or more experienced members of the coven. During this time, you’ll be immersing yourself in the beliefs and practices followed by the coven, and depending on the coven’s philosophies, possibly engaging in your own explorations of the Craft as well. Once you’re initiated, you will be responsible for keeping your commitments to the coven—to show up for rituals and other meetings, to honor vows of secrecy, and to be part of the support system that coven membership offers. [3]

Initiation into a coven is not something to be taken lightly. You are entering into very strong emotional and spiritual bonds with the individuals in this group, so you need to be truly compatible with them. In fact, some Witches have likened initiation to marriage, and many people find that they are closer to their fellow coveners than they are to their own family. So don’t ever join a coven just because you want to belong to a group of Witches, or you are likely to regret your choice. Indeed, it’s definitely better to practice on your own than to become bound to a situation that is anything less than joyful, caring, and fulfilling. [3]

How’s that Work?

Seekers to beware of irresponsible groups and individuals for, when the initiation kicks in, the spirits will dismember you before putting you back together (in a fashion). During such cataclysmic events, which can last an indeterminate period of time depending upon each of our circumstances and disposition, it is important that those who nurtured and introduced the commencement are versed in handling the trials and tribulations. They should also be willing and able to support you through it with compassion and understanding. It is all too common, these days, that this is not the case and the occult and pagan milieu is rife with those who have experienced violent repercussions in their lives as a direct consequence, without qualified support from initiators. [7]

Initiations can neither be forced either by the initiate or the initiator(s). It is frequently said that the gods, not people, provide the initiation and the initiators are but the tools the gods use and the channel they reach through in order to provide the necessary changes. I personally have experienced such rites on both the receiving and the giving end and while the details and methodology certainly vary from tradition to tradition, the overall gist tends to be about the same. [8]

There is always the possibility that an initiation will not take, and that the egregore or the “current” of the group may not accept you as an initiate. Sometimes warning signs of this are seen in advance, and more often than not may simply signal that a candidate is not ready. In more extreme cases, it’s a matter of never being ready; the person is just simply not a good fit. I personally know of two very extreme cases where the candidate was ushered off and the initiation was forced in anyhow, and in both cases the candidate basically imploded. Whatever issues they had upon entering multiply sevenfold, and the destruction can break groups apart and cause a lot of drama and chaos. [8]

Degree System

The magical grades or degrees of Initiation correspond to the Hermetic Tree of Life and are obtained through personal work done. [9]

In many traditions of Wicca, as well as some other Pagan religions, one's studies are marked by Degrees. A Degree shows that the student has spent time learning, studying and practicing. It's a common misconception that attaining a degree is an end goal, but in fact, most high priestesses (HPS) will tell their initiates that being granted a Degree is just the beginning of a new and empowering process. [10]

First degree: It is for those who just arrived at Wicca. As you will see elsewhere in the initiation information, this brings the new wizard into the Circle, connects them with the spirit of the Circle, and to the energy sources of the other plans with which this Circle and Tradition work. [11]

Second degree: This marks the beginning of a deeper step in the Wiccan, and recognizes the commitment, the work and the effort that the second degree candidate has made since his first initiation. [11]

Third degree: Is granted to those whose experience and knowledge are sufficient to work and lead a circle and who have been initiated long enough to become Elders of Wicca in their Circle. [11]

Fraternity and Sorority Initiations

The purpose of initiation is to teach the new members about the significance behind all the organization’s symbols, Greek letters, motto, rituals, etc. It is an explanation of everything incorporated to the organization, followed by a pledging of the members commitment to the organization, its current, past and future members of unwavering friendship, and dedication to the organization’s social, scholastic and moral growth. After a member professes their vows (depending on the organization, vows are recited through a motto or creed, signed in a book, sung through ritual songs, or proven by an activity) the pledge becomes an active member. [4]

Almost every organization considers the initiation ceremony something holy and sacred so there is never hazing at the true ceremony, as it would be disrespectful to the ritual, founders and true purpose of the organization. [4]


Hazing started as a way for new members of the Greek organizations to prove their loyalty to the organization they wished to join. With exclusivity of membership, officers in the organizations could request or demand that prospective members prove that they wanted to be apart of the club so badly that they would never tell its secrets, and that they would be an active and contributing member. [5]

Over the years, hazing turned from mere favors (such as delivering requested things on campus, washing member’s cars, baking sweets for members, serenades, etc.) to more intensified requests (buying things for members, doing homework for members, cleaning common rooms of chapter houses, etc.). [5]

Then, eventually, hazing took a dangerous turn when members realized that belittling, embarrassing, and mentally and physically breaking down pledges was an easier way to ensure that only the mentally and physically strongest of the potential new members made it through their recruitment process. [5]

Hazing & the Law

As of 2019, there are 44 states that have passed laws prohibiting hazing. Of those, only 10 states have laws that explicitly make hazing a felony when it results in death or serious injury. Louisiana may soon be the 11th state to pass such a law. The remaining 33 states have anti-hazing laws that prohibit hazing…but only allow it to be punishable as a misdemeanor. Many of these laws include language that defines hazing as a method of “initiation” or “pre-initiation,” but hazing as an activity extends far beyond initiation. Other laws make it so that only students can be prosecuted for hazing, but research shows that former students can facilitate hazing, while prospective students aren’t safe from hazing either.

Examples of Hazing 

Be Cool: Potential new members are doused with gallons of ice cold water while powerful fans blew cold air on them until they are completely dry, in some cases the potential new member is naked or has to stand on one foot. [5]

Cleansing/Purification: Potential new members are forced to drink water through a funnel until they almost drown to death from too much water. [5]

Drunk Skinny Dipping: Swimming naked normally in prohibited areas like university fountains or lakes. [5]

Washboard Abs: Female potential new members are sat naked on a washing machine and the sisters circled the fat that jiggled, and the pledges had to lose that weight before they became a sister. [5]

Porn: Female potential new members are sat on newspapers naked and forced to watch porn, the newspapers are then hung afterward in the house with the pledge’s name on it, and circles around any wetness that transferred to the newspaper as a result of watching the porn. [5]

Bobbing: Female potential new members were forced to bob for dildos and bananas in a toilet bowl. [5]

Games of car/truck chicken: Two cars/trucks head towards each other with the objection of crashing head on until one person flinches and steers clear of the other car. If nobody chickens out, a head-on collision occurs. [5]

Maids: House clean ups after parties, or after members choose to make the house dirty for no reason other than having the potential new members clean up their messes. [5]

Pizza: Male potential new members forced to masturbate onto a pizza, the last one to ejaculate was forced to eat the pizza. [5]

Sodomize: Male potential new members are forced to wear fairy wings and sodomized with frozen hot dogs. [5]

Human Purse: Most potential new members (especially male) have to carry around cigarettes, a tin of dip, a bottle opener, $20, and gum at all times, and will commonly be called to be a designated driver at all hours of the morning. [5]

Vomit: Participating in puke slip n’ slides. [5]

Drinking: Potential new members forced to drink a handle of alcohol in the stair closet along with a gallon of water. [5]

Shots: Potential new members forced to drink shots for every time they could not perfectly recite the organizations motto and creed. [5]

Branding: Potential new members forced to endure letter branding. Members take a wire hanger, mold it into the organization’s Greek letters, dip it in fire and burn the molding onto a hidden area of the new member’s skin. [5]

Mental: Potential new members forced to endure mental bashing. [5]

Physical: Potential new members forced to endure physical battery. [5]

Stand Up: Potential new members forced to stand against walls for hours while reciting the organizations creed until every pledge class member could say it perfectly and without hesitation. [5]

Liver & Oil: Potential new members forced to swallow raw cow’s liver pieces dipped in oil. [5]

Puzzled: Potential new members had to put together a 5,000 piece puzzle of the organization’s colors in the dark with nothing but a strobe light in the basement of the organization’s house. [5]

Frosty: Potential new members taken into snow in bathing suits and told to make snowmen that looked like members. [5]

Snow Angels: Potential new members taken into snow in bathing suits and told to make snow angels for every member of the organization and decorate the snow angels to fit the member’s personality. [5]

Tied to a Tree: Potential new members tied to trees with duct tape and/or plastic wrap naked.

Duck Walk: Potential new members were lathered with a sticky substance and stuck with feathers and told to quack around as amusement for the members. [5]

Breakfast of Champions: Potential new members were only allowed to eat cereal with whiskey or scotch instead of milk for a weekend. [5]

Garbage Men: Potential new members were put into trashcans filled with the organization house’s trash and rolled down a nearby hill. [5]

Zzzs: Sleep deprivation [5]


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