Death Doesn't Scare Me

Death Doesn't Scare Me, what comes before death does. My recent brush with a situation that could easily have killed me or maimed me worse than it did really drove this home.

Death would have been a relief. There would be no prolonged recovery. No trying to balance therapy with a return to work. No hardheaded refusal to take pain medication.

Death would have been preceded with one heck of a lot of pain, but then the pain would have stopped, for good.

But if I had died I would have missed out on fully realising exactly how rich I am. Not money rich, but that rich that matters, quality people. This reason alone is why, even with all the suffering, I count being rear ended while riding my motorcycle to work a blessing.

Death does not scare me. The God can take me when he pleases, but it would be nice for it to be quick, to catch me by surprise.

And apprently they are not done with me just yet as I am still here.


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