Christ .. what if ...

Part of history is that pagan/polytheist Rome converted to Christianity. Part of Christian lore is that Christ is a savior.

What if ...

Rome "converting" to Christainity was to instead of changing whole sale the religion of an entire nation it was done to create a single style of worship? It would mean that no longer would a worship service of one god-dess be so foreign that one had to learn sometimes even another language in order to pay homage to the local deities.

This falls in line with Rome's normal recorded lotus operanti of allowing the locals to keep much of their own power structure, etc, so long as Rome, Cesar, got their due.

It would also allow for a traveling priesthood to perform rituals in various different locals with ease in that only those things particular to the local deity would have to change. Again in line with what I know of Rome's desire to serve it's people the best it could via public service.

What if ...

Much to think on here. Remember the victor often is the one who writes the history...


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