Take Your Rank and ....

It is really odd for me to feel this way considering I just got promoted at work, but I do.

When I hear about some wondrous Initiation I just want to smack them and tell them to shove it.

When I hear about all the struggles going to the next degree ... yep you guessed it ... shove it up there ever higher.

Why do I feel this way? Because I don't have to remind my employees that I am boss, they know by my actions. Those who are my friends follow my lead, when I ain't being a stereo typical red neck, not because of some Title given to me by a bunch of .... just gonna leave that out .... They follow me because of the type of person I am.

Short of it ... I don't have to announce to the world through titles that I am a Leader, my actions do so for me.

It bugs me to no end these ... ok just dropping that ... people feel that just because they have some title they have achieved something magnificent. The Title is a start and it is a yoke and it is a weight. Titles crush you as much as they empower you. These self proclaimed Initiates, 2nd degrees, 3rd degrees and the like seem to have this whole rose lens issue.

Honey I hate to break it to you, but just because your Title isn't that well spread doesn't make it great.

3 Months ago I was in a motorcycle accident and gained 7 screws with a plate; today I walk, with a bit of a limp still, but I walk. You say the trials of obtaining your Initiation, 2nd or 3rd Degree is hard ... I call Bull Shit

Get up and Walk


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