Little Dream of Festival

This morning I had one emotional dream.

It starts out as I am entering a festival. First I am drawn to the drumming. The drummers are set up and camped out on a dock. The dock is u shaped and follows the shore line of a small bay. This bay is connected to a larger body of water and has that distinctive smell that only brackish water can make. I walk out on the half of the dock that the drummers are not on. As I am walking I have to dodge people who have camped out there as well, but these people are not in tents. When I reach the end of the dock I can see the drummers and enjoy the beat for a bit before turning to go back.

When I get back to land I ask directions to where I can set up my tent. To get to the location I have to pass through the very large circus style tent. While passing through I notice a lot of various vendors and one section devoted to draft horses.

Random jump to another scene

There is a page with type on it saying only those who are initiated may know. To which I say out loud bullshit you lot aint any better than anyone else. Next thing I know I am naked tied to a table and bent over. Some one hits me with a flogger, too hard. Which pissed me off. I kick out and proceed to kick the shit out of the person with the flogger and everyone who tries to stop me.


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