Scorpion Medicine

I had my first tattoo drawn from a picture of an emperor scorpion and placed on the back of my left shoulder around the time of spring in 2008. It is one of what I call my "Warning Labels" and I later found out that it is a rather common occurrence for those with the sun sign of Scorpio to have some symbol of their sun sign tattooed on themselves.

Scorpions have the longest lifespan of any arachnid and are champions of survival. Scorpions can live a year without food, stay submerged underwater for 48 hours, live in harsh environments, only require one-tenth of the oxygen of most insects, and can even survive being in a freezer overnight! [5]

The ancient Egyptians revered the Scorpion Spirit as a potent guardian for souls moving from one world to the next. It was a sacred creature to Selket, the goddess who heals stings and bites. It was not uncommon for the Priests to use images of Scorpions on ritual mummification tools to safeguard the precious transforming spirit within. That endows Scorpion with the power of change, particularly in terms of our soul’s growth through various incarnations. [1]

African stories likewise tie the Scorpion to death and life. Some people believed that a Scorpion sting had the power to heal and they honored the Scorpion accordingly. From a shamanic vantage point, Scorpion as a spirit guide created a change in consciousness, the sting acting like a psychedelic mind altering drug that, when used, takes the shaman to the dream time or other spirit realms. With this in mind if Scorpion keeps appearing in your life you may find your awareness changing and dreams becoming very vivid, even prophetic. [1]

In this case, scorpion symbolism is asking you to remove and cut out those things in your life that no longer serve you. In other words, you must evaluate your surroundings with a critical eye to releasing old baggage. This “letting go” will include getting rid of objects that are cluttering up your home, as well as purging the clinging energy of those that are co-dependent to you. Hence, the scorpion meaning also asks you to focus on minimizing the enabling of others not to move forward. [2]

The taxonomy of Scorpion has undergone changes and is likely to change further, as genetic studies are bringing forth new information. There are 13 families recognized to date. Only about 25 of these species are known to have venom capable of killing a human being. [3]

Remember, Scorpion promises Transformation. Whether the transformation is calm or chaotic depends on how the energies are used. Are we channeling our passions correctly? Are we allowing our passions to override our common sense? Do we need to balance our relationships with more solitariness? Are we becoming too solitary? Do we need to merge our physical passions with our spiritual passions? Are we ignoring our psychic perceptions only to be stung? Answering these Questions personally will help one channel these energies. [3]

Emotions usually govern our first reactions to our experiences in life. Although instinctive emotions generate the strongest motivations for our behavior. Scorpion people are not prone to wearing their heart on their sleeve,(unlike those Cancerians and Pisceans). They need to dominate their relationships and rarely display their true feelings, holding back something of self, even during the most open and communicative moments. Although not intentionally wanting to be mysterious, they manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They hate being crossed or manipulated, and may react to such treatment with sarcasm, spitefulness, and vengeance. [3]

The scorpion spirit animal expresses protection. In this world that we live in, you need to be defensive and protect yourself from danger. [4]

You need to weed out the people who don’t have the best intentions from those who are genuinely good. The scorpion symbolism wants you to be wary of threats both seen and unseen, and anticipate them by moving silently and stealthily. [4]




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