Badger Medicine
When I was given my cane to assist me in walking after the motorcycle accident I was drawn to a piece of Badger pelt that I attached to the cane.
Badger symbolises aggressiveness, reliance, self-expression, holding ones own, link to the underworld and the magic and mystery of creation, link to plant and animal spirits, fearlessness, boldness, braveness. [4]
Badger is always willing to persist in it’s endeavors. The medicine of badger may be pointing you to be an aggressive healer who has the courage to use even unconventional means to achieve a cure. This does not mean, necessarily a true physical cure of an ailment. It can be a cure for emotional healing such as we encounter in relationships or the work place.
The very essence of the message from Badger is telling you to become aggressive enough to do something about your present situation. Brother Badger wants you to get just angry enough to react in a creative way. The message is not to get too aggressive but to use your anger to stop lolling around. In other words a powerful message to use for self-improvement. [1]
Badger also represents alliances, so you'll definitely need to make sure that you are not burning your bridges along the way. For example: A Badger will be led to honey by a Honey Guide Bird. The Badger breaks open the hive and now both can eat the honey. Therefore, Badger Medicine is also about forming alliances with different people so that everyone can benefit. [3]
In general, badger totem people will know how to stay grounded in all circumstances. Also, folks with badger spirit animal totem are very territorial and unafraid of defending their boundaries. Consequently, they are very much aware of all the things that are important in their life. People with this totem take the time to nurture those around them while making sure that they also sustain their own needs. Determination and focus are comfortable for you, as is self-reliance. If this mammal is your spirit animal, you are never out of touch or confused because you know how to stay anchored to what is important to you. For the most part, you don’t care what others think of you and have no hesitation in warding off personal attacks and invasions of your space. [5]
Badger symbolises aggressiveness, reliance, self-expression, holding ones own, link to the underworld and the magic and mystery of creation, link to plant and animal spirits, fearlessness, boldness, braveness. [4]
The power of the badger lies in is its aggressiveness and the readiness to fight for what it wants. On the flip side, the badger is also about healing – they are the keeper of Earth’s healing herbs. Badger will persevere in finding a cure. People with this power animal are often healers and have the guts to use unconventional methods. [4]
The very essence of the message from Badger is telling you to become aggressive enough to do something about your present situation. Brother Badger wants you to get just angry enough to react in a creative way. The message is not to get too aggressive but to use your anger to stop lolling around. In other words a powerful message to use for self-improvement. [1]
All of these traits can be viewed symbolically: [2]
- The white stripe is symbolic of how open it is, providing knowledge and enlightenment to other animals and the earth.
- The strong jaws tie the badger to the mysteries of the “word” – in particular the magic of storytelling. Badger reminds us to remember stories and give them away to people when they are needed.
- The remarkable digger hints at the ability to see beneath the surface of all things and people. Also, the closeness to herbs and roots make badger dynamic healers.
- Loners and solitary, badgers teach us to be self-reliant and comfortable with ourselves.
- Bold and ferocious when cornered, badger reminds us to never surrender.
- The badger imparts persistence, determination and endurance. Badger also gives mental energy and fighting spirit. It would rather die than give up, so badger teaches us how to stick to a project and see it through to completion.
Badger People are learning to bite down on what they desire and hang on. Badger's are extremely aggressive and completely fearless in their fight for what they want. They also make alliances with some of the most unsuspecting creatures and take charge when and where it is needed. Much like Badgers, Badger People do not seek to attack, they merely hang on with everything they've got. [3]
Badger also represents alliances, so you'll definitely need to make sure that you are not burning your bridges along the way. For example: A Badger will be led to honey by a Honey Guide Bird. The Badger breaks open the hive and now both can eat the honey. Therefore, Badger Medicine is also about forming alliances with different people so that everyone can benefit. [3]
In general, badger totem people will know how to stay grounded in all circumstances. Also, folks with badger spirit animal totem are very territorial and unafraid of defending their boundaries. Consequently, they are very much aware of all the things that are important in their life. People with this totem take the time to nurture those around them while making sure that they also sustain their own needs. Determination and focus are comfortable for you, as is self-reliance. If this mammal is your spirit animal, you are never out of touch or confused because you know how to stay anchored to what is important to you. For the most part, you don’t care what others think of you and have no hesitation in warding off personal attacks and invasions of your space. [5]
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