Dragon Medicine

Around the fall of 2008 I had a dragon pulling out of a dive breathing fire that turns into a phoenix tattooed to my back. This is another of my “Warning Label” tattoos.

The dragon totem brings magic and balance into your life. When the dragon spirit guide comes into your life, it wants you to get in touch with your psychic nature. The dragon asks you to view the world through the window of mystery and wonder. [1]

The most common message a Dragon totem carry to us is a need for strength, courage, and fortitude. Dragons are also messengers of balance, and magic – encouraging us to tap into our psychic nature and see the world through the eyes of mystery and wonder. More specifically, Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power – the ultimate ruler of all the elements. [5]

Dragon symbolism and meaning also encompasses the primordial natural forces on all planes of existence, longevity and the most earliest of magicks some of which have been lost to time. The never ending battles between knights and Dragons reflect the inner struggle of human kind to come to terms with the Spiritual or Ethereal nature. [2]

The Dragon is the symbol of primordial power. It is master of all elements: fire, water, air and earth. As a spirit guide, it makes a powerful ally in our daily life with its amazing restorative and potent qualities. [3]

Common Meanings of Dragon [3]
Change, Transformation, Wisdom, Metaphysical knowledge, Beauty, Majesty, Inspiration, Infinity, Longevity, Movement through space, Supernatural, Protection, Protection from outside evil forces from all directions, Elemental Magic, Grounded energy, Leadership, Fulfillment of potential, Greatly increased riches, Luminous indomitable spirit and strength, Magical prowess, Vitality, Mastery, Insight, Divine illumination, Personal happiness, Invisibility

In Celtic tradition:
The Fire Dragon is a symbol of transmutation, energy and mastery, if this is your power animal you will be lent enthusiasm, courage and vitality. Your inner fire will be fuelled. You will be helped to overcome obstacles. You will be given the qualities of leadership and mastery. The fire dragon can also be a strong protector. [4]

The Air Dragon brings insight, inspiration and vitality. This power animal must be handled with the greatest of respect. With this power animal, large flashes of illumination in intellect and psyche are possible. Insight and clarity will be given for all problems. As always – trust your inner voice. [4]

The Earth Dragon brings potential, power and riches. You will be shown your potential and your riches – what you are capable of. With the earth dragons assistance, you may discover the beauty and power that lies within you, within us all. The earth dragon resides deep within the Earth and can aid you in grounding scattered energies. When you call on him for help, think of a slowly paced heavy dragon pulling himself toward you. Feel his weight surrounding you. He will nurture you like Mother Earth does. [4]

The Water Dragon brings connection, depth and passion. The water dragon as power animal brings memories and wishes, perhaps long forgotten yet hidden, to the fore. By squaring up with painful past experiences, a sense of peace and balance can be achieved in our lives. The water dragon will give you the courage and compassion in this challenge. [4]



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