Phoenix Medicine

Yes I know the correct spelling ...

Around the fall of 2008 I had a dragon pulling out of a dive breathing fire that turns into a phoenix tattooed to my back. This is another of my “Warning Label” tattoos. The phoenix portion of the tattoo is the picture for the blog:

The mythical phoenix animal totem is the keeper of the fire in all of creation. It represents transformation, death, and rebirth in its fire. As a powerful spiritual totem, the phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength and renewal. As both a fire and solar symbol, the phoenix animal guide is symbolic of the sun, which “dies” in setting each night only to be reborn in rising the next morning. [1]

In this sense, it never truly dies; rather, it is an immortal creature continually rising from the ashes. All of its attributes stay on theme with these ideas. In addition to the above mentioned traits of power, transformation, rebirth and life, the phoenix spirit totem is also widely regarded as a prominent symbol of season, coherence, longevity, imagination and protection. [1]

This spirit animal comes to guide you out of despair, to offer you a second chance. As such, this bird is most likely to appear to you when you are down and out. At such times, only a miracle can save you. The phoenix spirit animal is that miracle! It renews your strength and fortifies your fighting spirit. Quite suddenly, you’ll start seeing opportunities in places that look hopeless. [2]

The immortal Phoenix never truly dies. It continually rises from the ashes, just as the fiery sun “dies” and is “reborn” every morning. Because the Phoenix willingly sacrifices itself to death, it’s able to regenerate and gain awareness and spiritual growth. [3]

The Phoenix’s presence tells you that you’re ready for a significant change, a new perspective, and a renewal of self. [3]

By using the cleansing energy of fire, Phoenix will help you overcome impossible odds, shining hope in the midst of despair. [3]

Phoenix Correspondences in Alchemy [4]

♦ Direction: South

Southern symbolism (and hence phoenix symbolism in alchemy) deals with purity, renewal, strength, health and the present moment in time. [4]

♦ Element: Fire

Fire in alchemy is a symbol of transformation, purification, life, creation/creativity, consumption. [4]

♦ Celestial: Sun

Much like fire, the sun’s connection to the phoenix in alchemical practice is akin to the cycle of time and cycles of life. It’s also symbolic of clarity, illumination, immortality and expression. [4]

♦ Season: Summer

The summer season in alchemy is the same for almost every other cultural wisdom. It equates to growth, rejuvenation of the earth, continuation of life, and the symbolic celebration of the strength of the sun after being weakened though winter. [4]

♦ Chemical: Sulfur

Alchemy is a practice that incorporates physical, mental, mythical. Red sulfur and phoenix energy would be simultaneously invoked in ceremonies intended to influence the universal principal of life. The element of sulfur in alchemy is synonymous with the animus (the soul), and is a powerful chemical representative of existence. [4]



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