
Autumnal Equinox
Astrological Timing: 0* Libra
Calendar Timing: September 20-21

Moon Phase: Full to Half (gibious) (1)
Moon Zodiac Sign: Aries
Moon Zodiac Element: Fire
Moon Zodiac Element Quality: Cardinal

Sun Zodiac Sign: Libra
Sun Zodiac Element: Air
Sun Zodiac Element Quality: Cardinal

History / Mythology

The God is about to die, but he is at peace because he will soon be reunited with the Goddess. The Goddess prepares to grow weak as the Earth will freeze over when Winter arrives. This is the Wiccan Thanksgiving, and is used to engage in spiritual preparation of the "season of sleep.” (10)

Mabon is the name used by Wiccans and many other modern Pagans for the Sabbat falling at the Autumn Equinox. Compared to the solstices, which actually occur during the middle of their respective seasons, the equinoxes mark more significant shifts from one season to the next. (11)

Mabon marks the point at which day and night are of equal length. This time, the Sun crosses the “celestial equator” and appears to head south. From now until Yule, the light will wane significantly, with the nights becoming noticeably longer than the days. However, at this moment, the light and the dark are balanced. Interestingly, the Autumn Equinox coincides with the Sun’s entrance into the Zodiac sign of Libra. Libra’s symbol is the scales, and it is the sign known for seeking balance, harmony and equality. However much some of us may prefer warmth to cold or light to dark (or vice versa), we also know that without their opposites, we couldn’t truly appreciate our favorite times of year. (11)

Participating in the turning of the Wheel through ritual and celebration helps us live in harmony with these shifting tides. This recognition of the necessity of change—more specifically, the necessity of death in the life/death/rebirth cycle—is seen in the shifting relationship between the Goddess and the God. At Mabon, neither is young anymore. The aging God is even further weakened than at Lammas, and will soon give way completely to the dominance of the dark at Samhain. (11)

The Goddess is still in her Mother aspect as the Earth continues to bear fruit, and she still holds the new God in her womb. Yet she is moving toward her Crone aspect as well, where she will reign alone over the dark, mysterious nights until the God is reborn at Yule. The bittersweet quality of this time of year is embodied by the Goddess herself, who mourns the passing of the God yet knows he will return anew. In some traditions, the Goddess actually follows the God to the Underworld, which is why the Earth becomes cold and barren. In others, it is her sadness at his absence that causes the leaves to fall, the plants to die, and the animals to slumber away in hidden shelters. Still others view the coming weeks simply as a time of needed rest for all of the Earth, the equal and balanced opposite of the active energy of spring. (11)



The word “cornucopia” comes from the Latin words for “horn” and “plenty,” but the symbol itself goes back even further to the ancient Greeks. It features prominently in Greek mythology, particularly in a story about Zeus as an infant. His supernatural strength caused him to accidentally break off one of the horns of Amalthea, the goat who watched over him and fed him with her milk. The severed horn then gained the power to provide infinite nourishment. (11)

Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate Mabon, but typically the focus is on either the second harvest aspect or the balance between light and dark. This, after all, is the time when there is an equal amount of day and night. While we celebrate the gifts of the earth, we also accept that the soil is dying. We have food to eat, but the crops are brown and going dormant. Warmth is behind us, cold lies ahead. Here are a few rituals you may want to think about trying. Remember, any of them can be adapted for either a solitary practitioner or a small group, with just a little planning ahead.

Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox: 

This is a time of balance and reflection, following the theme of equal hours light and dark. Here are some ways you and your family can celebrate this day of bounty and abundance. (12)

Setting Up Your Mabon Altar: Celebrate the Mabon Sabbat by decorating your altar with the colors and symbols of the late harvest season. (12)

Create a Mabon Food Altar: Mabon is a celebration of the second harvest season. It's a time when we're gathering the bounty of the fields, the orchards, and the gardens, and bringing it in for storage. (12)

Honor the Dark Mother at Mabon: This ritual welcomes the archetype of the Dark Mother and celebrates that aspect of the Goddess which we may not always find comforting or appealing, but which we must always be willing to acknowledge. (12)

Mabon Apple Harvest Rite: This apple ritual will allow you time to thank the gods for their bounty and blessings, and to enjoy the magic of the earth before the winds of winter blow through.

Hearth & Home Protection Ritual: This ritual is a simple one designed to place a barrier of harmony and security around your property. (12)

Hold a Gratitude Ritual: You might want to consider doing a short gratitude ritual as a way of expressing thankfulness at Mabon. (12)

Autumn Full Moon -- Group Ceremony: This rite is written for a group of four people or more to celebrate the full moon phases of the fall. (12)

Mabon Balance Meditation: If you're feeling a bit spiritually lopsided, with this simple meditation you can restore a little balance into your life. (12)



September Moon Names: Barley, Harvest, Nut, Wine (4)
Color: Brown (4)
Gemstones & Minerals: Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Sapphire, Spinel (blue), Tourmaline (blue), Zircon (4)
Issues, Intentions & Powers: confidence, the home, manifestation, protection (4)

Technically, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the September equinox around September 22. Most years it is in September, but around every three years, it is in October. The Harvest Moon is the only Full Moon name which is determined by the equinox rather than a month. (2)

September: Corn Moon

The Full Moon in the month of September in the Old Farmer's Almanac is called Harvest Moon, which corresponds with the Old English/Anglo-Saxon name, while other names are Corn Moon or Full Corn Moon or Barley Moon. (2)

Moon Sign Aries

Symbol: Ram (8)
Element: Fire (8)
Planet: Mars (8)
House: First (8)
Color: Red (8)

Aries Sign Traits Overview

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and that’s pretty much how those born under this sign see themselves: first. Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for an Aries prefers to initiate rather than to complete. Do you have a project needing a kick-start? Call an Aries, by all means. The leadership displayed by Aries is most impressive, so don’t be surprised if they can rally the troops against seemingly insurmountable odds — they have that kind of personal magnetism. (8)

An Aries sign won’t shy away from new ground, either. Those born under this zodiac sign are often called the pioneers of the zodiac, and it’s their fearless trek into the unknown that often wins the day. Aries is a bundle of energy and dynamism, kind of like a Pied Piper, leading people along with its charm and charisma. The dawning of a new day — and all of its possibilities — is pure bliss to an Aries. (8)

The Aries symbol is the Ram, and that’s both good and bad news. Impulsive Aries might be tempted to ram their ideas down everyone’s throats without even bothering to ask if they want to know. It’s these times when you may wish Aries’ symbol were a more subdued creature, more lamb than ram perhaps. You’re not likely to convince the Ram to soften up; this sun sign is blunt and to the point. Along with those traits comes the sheer force of the Aries nature, a force that can actually accomplish a great deal. Much of Aries’ drive to compete and to win comes from its Cardinal Quality. Cardinal Signs love to get things going, and, of all astrology signs, Aries exemplifies this even better than Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. (8)

Aries is ruled by Mars. Taking a peek at Roman mythology, we find that Mars was the God of War. Our man Mars was unafraid to do battle, and much the same can be said for Aries. These star signs are bold, aggressive and courageous. They can summon up the inner strength required to take on most anyone, and they’ll probably win. (8)

The element associated with Aries is Fire. Think traits like action, enthusiasm and a burning desire to play the game. Aries love physicality, so they won’t sit on the sidelines for long, if at all. They’ll jump into the fray full force and will contribute much in the process. Talk about eager beavers! Sure, some of their decisions may later prove to have been hasty, but you’ll never find an Aries who regretted taking a shot. (8)


The personal quality of Fire is will, and in the Witches' Pyramid, Fire is "To Will." Willfulness burns hot, and the will to get things done is a spark that ignites. Temper is also associated with Fire; a fiery person is a "hothead," and lust is Fiery-you burn with desire. All of these things are closely associated with the life force itself, the spark within that fills us with life. For that reason, healing is a thing of fire; a person who is losing his spark needs Fire magic to reignite him. (9)

Fire can be a transformative force; in fire, the old is burned away and what comes out is utterly different. Transformation by fire is sudden and total: the blacksmith transforms iron ore into steel, raw meat becomes a delicious meal, and logs become embers, all by using fire. (8)

Fire Shadowy Traits
angry, furious, rageful, combative, overly aggressive, extreme, overly driven, overly passionate, overly sexed, anxious, tactless, irresponsible, selfish, unsubtle, self-centered, impulsive, quick tempered, bish, intolerant, opinionated, patronizing, power hungry, conceited, exaggerating, only able to relate to that which is extreme. (3)

Sun Sign Libra 

Strengths: Cooperative,diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social (5)
Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity (5)
Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors (5)
Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity (5)

Symbol: Scales (8)
Element: Air (8)
Planet: Venus (8)
House: Seventh (8)
Color: Ivory, pink, light-blue (8)

Libra Sign Traits Overview 

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and it’s at this point in the zodiac that we start to see a shift. While the first six signs of the zodiac focus on the individual, the last six focus on the individual’s contact with others and with the world. The Libra zodiac sign is first and foremost focused on others and how they relate to them. We can call this the sign of Partnership with a capital ‘P’ because these folks do not want to be alone! (8)

For a Libra, everything is better if it’s done as a pair. Libras are good when paired up, too, since they epitomize balance, harmony and a sense of fair play. While they are true team players at work, their favorite partnership is at home: marriage. Libras feel most complete when they are coupled up with their lover, forever. (8)

Because the Libra symbol is of the Scales, just like that balancing mechanism wants to stay even, Libras want to be on an even keel. Think of the Scales of Justice and how they work at striking the right balance. Likewise, Libras are objective, just and want to do what’s best for everyone. It’s possible, though, that this penchant for fairness is for a different reason: Libras abhor conflict. Those born under the Libra sun sign study every possible angle in the hopes of achieving peace and harmony, so much so that others may see them as fickle and indecisive. If that’s what it takes to avoid a confrontation, that’s fine with the Scales. (8)

Those with a Libra horoscope sign are keen strategists, organizing groups with poise and getting the job done (in keeping with the cardinal quality assigned to this sign). Further, you can expect the Scales to be companionable, sociable folks. Libra is ruled by Venus. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was a smooth seductress who was at her best amid pleasurable excess. Well, Libras are certainly carrying the torch for her today. (8)

The Libra astrology sign is cultured, refined and loves beautiful things. Most of all, they love beautiful people, which is why Libras do so well at cocktail parties or at the theater, opera or ballet. The element associated with Libra is air, and that means reaching higher, specifically to the higher mind. Libras like to put their mind to good use, and enjoy communicating their thoughts to others. (8)

In a person, Air is associated with thought and with the intellect, corresponding in the Witches' Pyramid to "To Know."' Ideas are said to come from Air, as is inspiration, ration, a word that also means "to breathe in." Logic and scholarship are Air functions, tions, which is perhaps why academics are said to live in ivory towers as opposed to ivory basements. People who spend all their time thinking "have their heads in the clouds," and if they're "airheads," they mistake imagination for real life and are impractical practical (because practicality is an Earth quality, which they lack). (9)

Air Shadowy Traits 

forgetful, incommunicative,overly talkative, unintelligent, overly analytical, non-creative, air-headed, blindly optimistic, changeable, fickle, unreliable, restless, inconsistent, two-faced, frivolous, superficial, a gossip, gullible, only able to understand that which appeals to the intellect. (3)


  1. Chamberlain, Lisa. Wicca Moon Magic: A Wiccan's Guide and Grimoire for Working Magic with Lunar Energies . Wicca Shorts. Kindle Edition. 
  2. Roderick, Timothy. Dark Moon Mysteries . Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.. Kindle Edition. 
  3. Kynes, Sandra. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans (Llewellyn's Complete Book Series) . Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.. Kindle Edition. 
  4. Orion, Rae. Astrology for Dummies: 2nd Edition. Wiley Publishing, Inc.
  5. Woolfolk, Jooana. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Taylor Trade Publishing 2006
  6. Deborah Lipp. The Way of Four: Create Elemental Balance in Your Life (Kindle Locations). Kindle Edition. 
  7. Benson, Kristina. A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook . Unknown. Kindle Edition. 
  8. Chamberlain, Lisa. Wicca Natural Magic Kit: The Sun, The Moon, and The Elements: Elemental Magic, Moon Magic, and Wheel of the Year Magic . Wicca Shorts (Chamberlain Publications). Kindle Edition. 


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