Turtle Medicine

Out of curiosity I took one of those online quizzes to determine what my current spirt animal ishttps://www.spiritanimal.info/spirit-animal-quiz/

I got Turtle.

Turtle is home wherever she goes because she takes her home with her. Her medicine advises us to own our space and take the time we need. If this medicine has inched into your life, it is time to calm down. Get grounded and let go of any dead weight that is no longer needed for the next stretch of your journey. Turtle travels light and trusts that what she needs will appear from the eternally giving source of Earth ever below her. This reptile is 215 million years old, the oldest of all reptiles. She was the first of her kind and her medicine is about managing health to go the distance. She brings a lasting low frequency strength to any endeavor. [1]

Turtle’s shell embodies the calm, slow energy of stones. She is where life meets geology. Embedded into the patterns of Turtle’s bone and enamel shell is the wisdom of Deep Time. Turtle keeps time with Life’s cycles, not clock sections. The notion of hours and minutes were created in the 13th century when European inventors sectioned off the shadows of the ancient Babylonian sundial into twelve equal parts. The invention of clocks removed the use of the physical sun to track the length of a day. Clock time ushered in a profound shift in how we live life on Earth, enabling exactitude and the thrill of racing against the clock. Where life by clock time is great fun, Turtle reminds us that it is a man-made construct separate from the deeper reality of Time itself. Clocks do not measure time, they measure themselves. And a segment of sixty minutes means nothing in relation to Earth’s life time. Living solely inside clock time can create a strain of deadlines and a feeling that time is running out. [1]

Turtle is a fine teacher of the art of grounding. You may even be able to overcome some of your “space cadet” tendencies if you align with Turtle medicine. In learning to ground, you are placing focus on your thoughts and actions and slowing to a pace that assures completion. [2]

Turtle warns of the dangers of “pushing the river,” as evidenced by the plodding pace it keeps. The corn that is harvested before its time is not yet full. However if it is given the chance to develop at its own rate, in its own season, its sweetness will be shared by all. [2]

Turtle symbolizes both new beginnings and endings. It is through the ending of something that allows space for something new to arise. This ending may be of an outer circumstance or a change or shift that occurs within ourselves. There may be a sense of loss or even grief over what has passed and yet it is through the energy of Turtle who is very long lived and thus very wise, that we can come to understand why something did need to leave our lives. Turtle can help lead us to that space where we can finally move on, to let go of what has been, celebrate it for the gifts it gave us and finally to turn and head for a new shore. Turtle people themselves often feel that their life is an endless series of endings and new beginnings, that like the tides, their lives are constantly in flux and they must learn to shift and tack as the current carries them along. Turtle people often say that they never really feel they have a home other than what they carry on their back so to speak. [3]

The wisdom of the turtle totem teaches us about determination and staying strong despite obstacles or distractions. This animal encourages those who have it as totem to listen deeply to their guidance and trust their path no matter what. [4]

The turtle represents the way of peace – whether it’s external or internal. It is considered as the Peace-Maker in Native American traditions. This animal is also often associated with the feminine principle or feminine energy, which foster peace and harmony with all things. [4]


  1. http://otteronarock.com/turtle-spirit-animal-totem/
  2. https://archangeloracle.com/2015/07/20/turtle-medicine/
  3. https://morningstar.netfirms.com/turtle.html
  4. https://www.spiritanimal.info/turtle-spirit-animal/


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