Jedi and Sith

Sith and Jedi Codes

The Sith and Jedi codes are supposed to be opposite sides of the same coin. In truth if you look at them as explained below they are. Where the Jedi value essentially stillness the Sith value action. This is different than what was my original understanding of the differences.

My Original Understanding

Original understanding was that the Sith were fueled by anger and hate. This understanding is from the observation of the characters in the Star Wars movies. In the movies characters are encouraged to use their anger and hatred in order to convert them to the Sith way. Also in the movies the Sith are the antagonist with the characters who oppose them as the protagonist.

The New View

But not all emotion is negative. Emotions such as love and happiness are positive forces. Instead of creating rage fueled monsters or dictators; I wonder if the conversion to the Sith Path was done by embracing Love and Happiness would have different results. However by the time an individual has been found by the Sith they more than likely have been repressing their natural tendencies so long that it is not possible to access that side of the force through love and happiness. This is due to the fact that eventually one has to face and resolve anger and hate; or it will as predicted in the movies eat you alive.

Sith could be said to be extroverts where Jedi could be said to be introverts. The Sith seem to value action and the expression of emotion this is the hallmark of an Extrovert. Where the Jedi seem to value with-holding emotion or at least controlling it; something that Introverts seem to specialize in.

If the above assumptions are true then the force sensitives who are extroverted or action originated would never be accepted into the Jedi. These assumptions; extroverted/introverted and passive/action orientation, would also be why the Jedi prefer to only take in esstially toddlers as students as the children at that age are still very moldable into one preference or the other.

While some natural tendency toward the “undesirable” personality traits would exist by the time that the child had completed enough schooling to start to try to exert their own individuality the behavior pattern for the “desired” traits would be like second nature. In addition, by starting them on the training so young they essentially train the child to a particular set of mannerisms that while generally acceptable outside of the temple, are unique to the temple and thus creating a subtle form of isolation. With this isolation enforcing the need to behave as expected or be forced out of the only “natural” social grouping that understands you; a form of peer pressure.

This isolation “threat” is possibly why some Jedi Masters go “rogue” once they get to a certain level of prestige in the greater universe. To ensure and enforce that these masters continue to be passive introverts the stigma of the opposite seems to have been sown. By sowing the stigma of anything other than a passive introvert being Sith and thus “evil” the individual(s) who wish to maintain control over the Jedi do so.

The social isolation of the Jedi is also why the Evil Sith are able to hide effectively in plain sight. After all, as long as they do not display Jedi like abilities the Sith behavior is no different than a politician, warrior, or other aggression based profession.

The Sith Code

The Sith Code, as written by Sorzus Syn and taught by Darth Bane: [1]

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Peace is complacency. We do not strive to better ourselves by becoming complacent. [4]

Through passion, I gain strength
Defeating your fears and proving that you CAN do something is the key to unlocking the strength that lives inside of you. [4]

Through strength, I gain power
Strength breeds strength.The Sith believe victory must prove your superiority and nothing gives a sense of superiority like crushing a heavy barbell squat/deadlift.[4]

Through power, I gain victory
The power that you’ve discovered through becoming stronger and smarter will allow you to stand triumphant over the things that once held you down. [4]

Through victory, my chains are broken
A Sith Lord knows through his trails and application of the Sith Code he will become powerful enough that he can break any bonds placed on him. Your true potential and real power can only be unlocked by breaking free of the chains that restrain and hold you back. [4]

The Force Shall Free Me
When the outside world begins to pressure you to break your commitment, prove your superiority, and use your strength to overpower those temptations, freeing yourself from those chains, standing victorious. [4]

The Jedi Code

A Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, trained in the ways of the light side of the Force, could take comfort in the words of the mantra of the Jedi Code: [2]

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

There also existed an alternate version of the Code, recited by Jedi younglings during their Initiate Trials, and by Depa Billaba during her full fitness re-assessment after waking up from her 6-month coma: [2]

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet the Force.

The Jediism Code

The following code is the Jedi Code that The Jediism Way uses. [3]

Control the emotion to act through peace.
There is no ignorance if you seek the knowledge.
Do not be clouded with passion but clear with serenity.
Do not fear death for the Force is with you.



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