
Showing posts from December, 2019

Using Power with Intent - Choosing to be the Change

We all have power, the question is how we use it. Power like magic is not inherently good or evil, but it can be used for the concepts of good or evil. Remember though that good and evil are constructs that are often based off of our concept of what is perceived as beneficial to ourselves or not. There are some rather universal "bad" things such as murder, rape, etc. But for the most part "good" and "evil" are very subjective. So long as you have the ability to interact with the world, you have power. How you spend that power and how the results of the use of that power are perceived colors other's view of you and you of yourself. As with all Paganism there is an active and a passive use of power. You can actively use your power or you can passively use it. Passive use could be choosing to not use it. Where as we are all more familiar with the active uses of power; orders, directives, etc. However, as with magic, the use of power has to also be...

Feminism and WW2 - A What If?

What if the reason for (radical) feminism is the result of World War 2 Veterans suffering from PTSD and the amount of men killed? Think about the mentality of the era in general. World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945 and the USA lost a horrible 420,000 soldiers . According to a search there was 130.9 million people in the USA in 1939 with 139.9 million in 1945. The country had just come out of the Great Depression . There was still a rugged individualism in the country with most people still growing their own food and used to hard times. This makes for some very resilient people and to due to regular new constantly covering the death of the war some very traumatized people. Try to imagine living through the fear of the draft for the war, after living through the hardships of not knowing if you will be able to feed your family. Then home comes the bodies and the PTSD suffering men. What woman would not want to be able to provide for her kids if her husband wasn...


I have started writing this without a goal or topic or title. But there are things I wish to express. 1. If I have to chase you for answers, you will not find me following. I will be right where I am waiting for you to stop playing games or if I do choose to play, it will be the brat you get to deal with. 2. When the cards are down and you are not there, you will find your priority in my life to be significantly lower than prior. Being there for me takes on many forms, just like everyone's love language is different. 3. If you can't be bothered to be honest, I will leave. Say what you mean, mean what you say. It really is that simple. Life happens and it will get in the way of anyone fulfilling something they said they would do, however if it happens too much then obviously we value each other differently. 4. Your business is yours, just as mine is mine. However spreading stories about me; not cool. You will find yourself in possession of less sensitive information in v...


Imbolc Pronounced: EE-Molc, IM-bulk, IM-molg, or imb-OLC Astrological Timing: midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox Calendar Timing: February 2 Sun Zodiac Sign: Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Sun Zodiac Sign Element: Air Sun Zodiac Sign Element Quality: Fixed Moon Phase: New History/Mythology: The second Sabbat of the Wiccan year celebrates the coming end of Winter and the beginning of the growing cycle in the Northern Hemisphere. The long, cold months are nearly over, and the first stirrings of Spring can be witnessed in the blooming of daffodils and crocuses and the slow emergence of animals from their hibernation. Although snow may continue to cover the ground in many regions, the bleakest part of the cold season is now behind us. [6] Imbolc is a Cross Quarter Day, midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, it can fall between the 2nd & 7th of February when calculated as the mid point between the astronomi...

Then and Now A Reflection

I have in the last 2 months had a lot of time to reflect on quite a few things and spend hours disappearing into YouTube and Google Search holes. While I do not claim to know or even come close to knowing the amount that those I have watched do, the information shared has allowed me to see things differently. There are even a few posts I have done that directly do this. Before the accident there was no amount of anything that would have convinced me to "let go of" my house. I endured long hours, and all kinds of things that strained or broke various relationships. After all it is hard to have a relationship with someone when they can get a phone call requiring them to go to work at any time, or have to alter plans at the last minute because of someone calling out of work. Yet these things happened and I stayed with my job because of the house. What changed was the out pouring of help after the accident. My Chosen Family had been very open and caring prior to the acciden...

Blue Screen of Death ... Otherwise Known as Errors

I would be remiss if I didn't cover the topic of errors if I am going to beat on an incident that created a huge change in my direction. You Tube Videos I have watched on the topic: Webinar: Human Error Prevention speaker is Martin Lush Type I Error vs Type II Error 12 Cognitive Biases Explained The reason that I refuse to continue with the Tradition that the High Priestess and High Priest belong to is because that Tradition is completely devoid of what is considered "Best Practices" for safety. The Tradition in question does not promote open communication about concerns, are constantly looking to assign blame, claim to understand how symbols effect the brain yet refuses to use that information to make a safer situation using modern understanding of psychology, refuse to address that an error occurs from a series of events, refuses to make changes (additions) to address issues, rather train than educate its members, has no detection methods for reporting errors so ...

The Need for More than One

In the Pagan Community there is a little bit of a debate on an one self initiate or elevate. It is rather comical for me to listen/observe; let me tell you why. If you are wanting to have a lineage then it is not possible to self initiate or elevate. That is the end of the line on that. Because the entirety of Lineage is based on it being passed down from one to another. However If you do not care about a Lineage, then the waters get a bit more murky or it does for some. I have consciously practice magic since I was 15 (I am 38 as of this writing) and it was not until 2015 that I decided to seek out the Pagan Community found in Festivals. I can tell you from personal experience that my workings alone are just as powerful as those with groups. So why the debate in the Pagan Community? Simple answer: Power The Lineage Traditions, who if we are being honest really did kick things off, are threatened by the ability of those not under their thumb to practice. Then one has to ask ...

Love: Self, Language, Receiving, Perfect ...

As always when it comes to things of this nature I struggle to come up with decent content. The dictionary defines Love in a few different manners, all dependent on what topic the love is directed to, but each definition is of a intense positive feeling for "X". But the dictionary definition, while useful, falls horribly short as anyone who has been in Love knows. Many of us have barriers to receiving Love. Most of, if not all of, these barriers are situated in Fear. People will hide behind negative emotions; pride, cynicism, etc. in order to avoid Love. Sometimes it is a matter of expecting 1 Love Language, but not receiving it. For the most part there are 5 Love Languages there is a book on them too. Essentially these languages are; Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Receiving Gifts. If your Love Language is different than the person who is trying to express their Love and you do not realize it you could be missing out of receivin...

Power and Control Over

In the Pagan Community there are many stories of abuse endured, witnessed, etc. All of these stories are heart breaking as there really is no need for the treatment of a sentient being in this manner. However Abuse happens and the best we can do is to know it for what it is so that we can act appropriately when found. According to the YouTube channel PsycheTruth "Signs of Domestic Violence and Abuse, How to Identify an Abuser" there are 8 distinctive signs of abuse. Using Coercion or Threats Using Economic - withholding money or causing difficulties in acquiring money Using Privilege  Using Children - either as pawns or threats to take them away Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming - telling you that you are worthless Using Isolation - keeping you from others, behaving in a manner that causes you to isolate yourself Using Emotions - guilt trips, anger avoidance Using Intimidation As Pagans we need to be aware of these things and those who are in oath bound traditions...

What does it mean to be Masculine?

One CIS-Gender Female's take on what it means to be Masculine. As you can probably see, or know, I am working with one hell-a a handicap, but being a CIS-Gender Female it is important to me to understand this concept of Masculine. After all if you want understanding, you have to be willing to understand. And as a CIS-Gender Female who grew up listening to Rage Against the Machine totally jiving with the song Killing in the Name of with the lyric "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" … thus rejecting my own gender's norms at the time … well this should be an interesting trip. What is CIS-Gender? Let's start here. Cisgender (sometimes cissexual, often abbreviated to simply cis) is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth is a cisgender woman. The term cisgender is the opposite of the word transgender. With the rise in awareness ...

Self Love or Self Care

As part of a recovery program and self educational program I have elected to do a study on a few topics; one being Self Love. Self Love can also be seen as Self Care, Self Respect, Self Esteem, or other similar names. Ironically it is easier to find information on Self Love than it is to find information on Love. However since Self Love is the start of Loving others, it should shed some interesting light on things. What is Self Love? Self-love is not simply a state of feeling good. It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love is dynamic; it grows through actions that mature us. When we act in ways that expand self-love in us, we begin to accept much better our weaknesses as well as our strengths, have less need to explain away our short-comings, have compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning, are more centered in our life purpose and values, and expect liv...