Painful and Messy

Painful and Messy that is Death.

We are all dying once we reach physical maturity. Death is always painful, disgusting, and messy. Well whether or not you call it disgusting depends on your definition of the word. The only two questions you have to ask about death is:

1. Over what period of time will the pain and mess be spread over?

2. What type of persons are you going to have around you.

There are those who pass slowly over time then you have those who seem to run toward death's embrace. It does not matter which one you are or if you fall some where in between. Death comes for us all. Death is always painful and messy, well until Death claims us fully then the mess and pain leave. The best lessons in life are painful and messy too.

So what does Death have to teach us? I could go for the tried and true trite statements about valuing things, but in all honesty why? You know where to find those statements. What is my take? Where do I get off this merry go round?

Death is the ultimate threshold, beyond which our science has yet to pierce. I waver from pity to envy for when science pierces that threshold for those who live during that time. It could be a world filled with wonder found beyond or a hellish unforgiving nightmare. Which it is will more than likely depend totally on those living during it and what is found.

So what can we do about the fate we are all living? Just that live with others. If you accept that it is going to be painful and messy, then you can move past that to what makes it better. People. It is the people in your life that makes the painful mess of dying pleasant.

My dad used to say that as you get older you get used to disappointment. I prefer to think that as I get older I allow life to be, rather than having a need to impose my will on it constantly.

Life is a lesson in letting go.


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