
Showing posts from May, 2018

Death Doesn't Scare Me

Death Doesn't Scare Me, what comes before death does. My recent brush with a situation that could easily have killed me or maimed me worse than it did really drove this home. Death would have been a relief. There would be no prolonged recovery. No trying to balance therapy with a return to work. No hardheaded refusal to take pain medication. Death would have been preceded with one heck of a lot of pain, but then the pain would have stopped, for good. But if I had died I would have missed out on fully realising exactly how rich I am. Not money rich, but that rich that matters, quality people. This reason alone is why, even with all the suffering, I count being rear ended while riding my motorcycle to work a blessing. Death does not scare me. The God can take me when he pleases, but it would be nice for it to be quick, to catch me by surprise. And apprently they are not done with me just yet as I am still here.

Christ .. what if ...

Part of history is that pagan/polytheist Rome converted to Christianity. Part of Christian lore is that Christ is a savior. What if ... Rome "converting" to Christainity was to instead of changing whole sale the religion of an entire nation it was done to create a single style of worship? It would mean that no longer would a worship service of one god-dess be so foreign that one had to learn sometimes even another language in order to pay homage to the local deities. This falls in line with Rome's normal recorded lotus operanti of allowing the locals to keep much of their own power structure, etc, so long as Rome, Cesar, got their due. It would also allow for a traveling priesthood to perform rituals in various different locals with ease in that only those things particular to the local deity would have to change. Again in line with what I know of Rome's desire to serve it's people the best it could via public service. What if ... Much to think on here...

Take Your Rank and ....

It is really odd for me to feel this way considering I just got promoted at work, but I do. When I hear about some wondrous Initiation I just want to smack them and tell them to shove it. When I hear about all the struggles going to the next degree ... yep you guessed it ... shove it up there ever higher. Why do I feel this way? Because I don't have to remind my employees that I am boss, they know by my actions. Those who are my friends follow my lead, when I ain't being a stereo typical red neck, not because of some Title given to me by a bunch of .... just gonna leave that out .... They follow me because of the type of person I am. Short of it ... I don't have to announce to the world through titles that I am a Leader, my actions do so for me. It bugs me to no end these ... ok just dropping that ... people feel that just because they have some title they have achieved something magnificent. The Title is a start and it is a yoke and it is a weight. Titles crush y...

Wheel of the Year

The standard Wheel of the Year has always bothered me on some level. There was just something that was "off." As a result I have decided to take on a new approach and see how it works for me. The published or standard Wheel of the Year looks like the following SABBAT CELEBRATION CALENDAR Yule Winter Solstice 0* Capricorn Imbolc High Winter February 1 or 2 Ostara Spring Equinox 0* Aries Beltane High Spring May 1 Litha Summer Solstice 0* Cancer Lammas High Summer August 1 Mabon Autumnal Equinox 0* Libra Samhain High Autumn October 31 Where as if you follow Astrology it looks more like the following SABBAT CELEBRATION ASTROLOGICAL Yule Winter Solstice 0* Capricorn Imbolc High Winter 15* Aquarius Ostara Spring Equinox 0* Aries Beltane High Spring 15* Taurus Litha Summer Solstice 0* Cancer Lammas High Summer 15* Leo Mabon Autumnal Equinox 0* Libra...

Sometimes Simple is Where it's at.

In the last 3 months my life has drasticly changed. From the moment on that fateful day when I chose to ride to work to now I have been blessed. Most people would not consider themselves blessed to be hospitalized and made an invalid, but I do. I am getting stronger every day, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The entire ordeal has been a blessing. Through this ordeal I have come to appeciate the simple things in life. An altar in my room, being able to cook, being able to walk, being able to bathe by oneself, not being in pain, not needing prescription pain medication. When I first got home from the hospital I took down my existing altar, because I didn't know who would be helping me or their religious views. Many of my friends with various religious leanings balked at my doing so; it was my home and thus my right. But it' not, having an altar in my home is a privilege, not a right. Especially when I am asking people to come help me with the basics of life. Even thoug...

Little Dream of Festival

This morning I had one emotional dream. It starts out as I am entering a festival. First I am drawn to the drumming. The drummers are set up and camped out on a dock. The dock is u shaped and follows the shore line of a small bay. This bay is connected to a larger body of water and has that distinctive smell that only brackish water can make. I walk out on the half of the dock that the drummers are not on. As I am walking I have to dodge people who have camped out there as well, but these people are not in tents. When I reach the end of the dock I can see the drummers and enjoy the beat for a bit before turning to go back. When I get back to land I ask directions to where I can set up my tent. To get to the location I have to pass through the very large circus style tent. While passing through I notice a lot of various vendors and one section devoted to draft horses. Random jump to another scene There is a page with type on it saying only those who are initiated may know. To wh...