
Every religion out there has some form of an after the body dies idea. A good portion of the after life's out there have the individual going to a bliss or perpetual happy place. What shape that happy place takes depends on the morals or views of the religion or the culture that spawned the religion. Typically those who reach this perpetual happy place in the sky believe that they stay there for eternity. Eternity can be a subjective term too, because when has it not felt like eternity when you are waiting for something while in discomfort? That would imply that perhaps these promises of happy places, are not really promises of happy places? Moving on...

Then you have Reincarnation.

At its root, and it seems no matter which version, everyone agrees that reincarnation is a living, dying, and being reborn cycle. For the most part everyone also agrees that you don't get to remember past lives and you don't get to remember the after life. There are those that believe that they can access their prior lives and those that believe they can access the after life in one form or another via special rituals.

The differences between the theories come into play in two main areas; death and rebirth. There are very different ideas on what happens after the body dies, what type of experience is had in the after life, and the purpose of it all. Some believe that the soul always moves on, others think that it is possible for the soul or at least a shell of the mind to stay behind. Some believe that the after life is a place of rest and repose, others a place to learn from the life in the body.

There are also very different ideas on what type of body one gets when one is reincarnated. There is a theory out there that is based off the Christian theology of man being created before woman which has been translated into reincarnation to mean that a soul is first brought to the body experience as a man, then after enough learning is moved to that of female. The opposite is out there as well, one starts with female bodies and then earns male bodies. Another group has a whole series of animals that one reincarnates as. Each animal indicates an increase in knowledge and ability until finally arriving in a human body. Then you have another group that believe you get to choose the body life you want so you can learn certain lessons.

Having decided to lay claim to the title of psychopomp, whether or not you believe in it or not, what I claim to understand about the afterlife is based off of my accepting this title. A title I tend to call a chore on the best days and a curse on the worst. It was not one I sought, but one I could not avoid. It is what I do, and a part of who I am.

What I know from my experiences as a psychopomp is that there is an afterlife. Those experiences that are normally considered "non desirable" or "hell like" generally fit the experiences of the souls trapped between the body life and the after life. My job, calling, responsibility, as a psychopomp is to assist those trapped between souls face what ever has them stuck and move on. In return for helping the souls, often they gift me with knowledge. This way my gift to them is repaid and there are no lingering debts. This too helps them move on.

I have not crossed the threshold between the body life and the after life, because the temptation to stay would be great. I have played "chicken" with the edge more times than most would be comfortable knowing about. What I can say is that at that edge there is nothing but acceptance and love felt. While at that edge you do get a glimpse of what all the great religious writers, call them profits, call them enlightened, try to convey with mere words. Based on this I would say that what they all write about as "the" afterlife is true. It is a place of love and acceptance, a place of learning, and a place of rest.

As far as the coming back part. This I have no experience in any aspect to draw from and so I work from what twisted logic my biological brain has to offer.

I doubt that the gender reincarnation cycle is something that is in effect, because I doubt that the soul in it's purest form has a gender. Gender is a body life construct created to provide a construct allowing for the continuation of the body life construct. But then you have the information from the science community that says the controls for gender in the body have been found, we can influence the gender of a fetus. This would suggest that the soul would have a say, at some level, in the gender of the body it inhabits. This could also indicate that there is a mechanism unknown to us at this time that ensures enough breeding stock from both genders to ensure the continuation of the body construct. I stick with my original; pure soul has no gender. But will allow, due to my experiences with the trans community, that during the reincarnation cycle gender is assigned/ given to the soul.

Based off the scientific information found in the buried remains of animals, those still here and those no longer in existence, I can see where the evolution of the soul via lessons in different animal bodies comes from. Basically the reincarnation of a soul via animal levels supports the evolution theories out there for the body. The animal reincarnation line also is supported in the many tribal beliefs of totem animals or animal familiars as well.

For the body choosers. If soul was really able to choose the body, then why was the human construct allowed to grow to cancerous levels?

Thank you for reading. As always  your comments are welcome and if you have a topic you would like me to write about email it to or leave it in the comments section.


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