Pivot Points or Lynch Pins

Whenever something goes wrong, most like to point a finger and assign blame. It is something that could be considered human nature.

One thing my dad taught me very young was that if you are going to point a finger, you better address the 3 other fingers from your own hand pointing back at you.

This teaching often has me asking how could this have been prevented or avoided? There are rarely any situations that there were not at least 3 points where the out come could have been changed.

Sometimes solving those 3 points are easy and sometimes not so much. Mostly it's a game of awareness. As you get better at identifying where things could have been altered, you will notice them as they happen. In truth it is the ability to notice these points where a difference could be made as events unfold that makes or breaks many situations. It is why I call these points Pivot Points or Lynch Pins.

When you come to one of these points you often have a choice to make. Sometimes you can predict the out come, but sometimes you can't. The reality is that no matter what you have to make the best decision you can with the information you have.

For me I try to make the most human decision that allows for the most options. To me a human decision  is one that takes in to account the human emotional response as much as possible. A "if I knew nothing but the decision made; how would I feel?" decision. For the most part these decisions seem to be received well and at the very least tend to have me "selling" or explaining them more which in its self helps with their reception.

As always your comments are welcome and if you have a topic you would like to see me write about feel free to leave it in the comments or send an email to pheonixrysen@gmail.com


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