Altered States of Consciousness and Spiritual Experiences

Altered States of Consciousness and Spiritual Experiences

In my contact with the pagan/wicca world I have come across these two terms. Both most definitely apply to witchcraft, but in the way they have been used I believe that the actual meanings have been blurred or forgotten in the common mind. I know they were in mine, so lets take a look at them.

An altered state of consciousness is any mental state induced by physiological, psychological, or pharmacological maneuvers or agents, which deviates from the normal waking state of consciousness.

Many religious and mystical traditions see religious experiences (particularly that knowledge which comes with them) as revelations caused by divine agency rather than ordinary natural processes. They are considered real encounters with God or gods, or real contact with higher-order realities of which humans are not ordinarily aware.

What is the difference?
On the most basic level an altered state of consciousness is a physiological condition where as a spiritual experience may include physical things it is wholly about the mind and spirit.

I can understand where one might get the two confused; as often witches use altered states of consciousness to receive spiritual experiences. Do that long enough and yes the difference will start to fade. However I have received spiritual experiences without altering my state of consciousness so I know for a fact that an altered state of consciousness is not needed. 


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