Mirror Protection Spell

Mirror Protection Spell

Magical Goal
To return to sender all in equal measure of what was given.

This ritual will be done a minimum of 3 months in a row, or more until a “click” “snap” or other sensation is felt when the bodily substance is placed in the mirror box AND intense but brief claustrophobia is felt the closing of the box with another “snap” “pop” or other sensation felt.

***Side Effect***
You will feel “cut off” from magic until it settles in; one moon cycle or less. Due to this you will also gain more control over accessing magic at will, so saying magical words will not cause magic to happen unless you will it.

  • 6 square same sized mirrors
  • Material to cut out and use to glue the mirrors together.
  • Each Moon five (5) bodily substances will be gathered to represent the 4 elements and their joining to form spirit
  • Glue
  • Any supplies you need for Circle Casting; if you cast circles
  • 6 Candles to represent the Elements and Gods and big enough to use multiple times; same color or representative colors
  • Items for “harvesting” and holding the bodily substances for the elements and spirit
  • Altar

Craft your box by laying the mirror squares down on the material to form a cross with one end longer by one square than the others (Christian shaped cross). Trace the cross on to the material then cut out the cross. Glue the mirrors to the material so that the finished mirror side is facing away from the material and the unfinished side is glued to the material. When the glue has set fold up the sides and use small strips of the material to glue the corners together; leave until glue has set. Make sure to leave it so the box’s “top” can be opened and closed.

Pick a moon phase that is easy to keep, start of a quarter, full or dark.

Create Phrasing for the spell words you will use to place the bodily substances into the box. Needs to be adjustable by only 2-3 words for each bodily substance and element/spirit.

Create Phrasing for the closing of the box. This will be a statement of intent as to why you are doing the ritual.

If you cast Circles to work, do so in your normal manner.

Have Mirror Box on altar

Go to each quarter and “harvest” the bodily substance you are using for it and consecrate it for/to the element it is representative of

At the altar “harvest” the bodily substance you are using for spirit and consecrate it to the God-dess

Go to your start element, say the phrasing you precreated to place it in the box, and place it in the box. Do this for each element and then finally for spirit.

Close the box while saying the closing phrasing and seal with wax from the Goddess and God candles.

Close the Circle or dismiss the elements/God-dess as you  normally do.

  • You will have to reopen the box for each repetition of the ritual, so do not use a lot of wax.
  • Do not open the box before casting a circle once the ritual has been completed one time, or in the case of not working in a circle do not reopen until the newest set of bodily substances are ready to go in.
  • Keep the amount of bodily substance to a minimum as this is a build up ritual and you will not be removing the prior ritual’s contributions when you add more.


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