What You are Not Told - The Initiation Ritual and Blood Magic

 What they don't tell you about Initiation and Blood Magic.

Everyone goes on and on about how wonderful their Initiation is/was. I have no doubt theirs was. Mine; however, was a nightmare waking. Due to the nature of mine I have a ... no words to describe it... different perspective of things.

There are undoubtly differing opinions on why mine was such a ... experience. One I have been told was that I was not ready. At that time I had much to shed from prior life experiences, so possible; however the entire purpose of initiation is to birth a new person, so not quite buying it. It is a definite that the things I needed to shed contributed to some of the difficulties experienced; however I had help in making it the nightmare waking.

But I am not here writing to expound on things I have written on prior, so back to the topic at hand.

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is the use of blood in magic; in short. 

In many Wicca initiations the taking of a measure is common practice. ON this measure is often a drop or two of blood from the person being initiated. 

Further Reading On Blood Magic

  1. http://www.societasviaromana.net/Collegium_Religionis/hellenic.php 

  2. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jewish-magic-the-blood-libels/ 

  3. https://occult-world.com/sacrifice/ 

  4. https://www.learnreligions.com/blood-magic-4777683 

  5. https://exemplore.com/wicca-witchcraft/Witchcraft-for-Beginners-What-You-Should-Know-about-Blood-Magic 

Further Reading on Initiations

What You Are Not Told

This taking of a measure and thus the spilling of blood in ritual is a blood sacrifice. Added to this is cord magic.

Cords are traditionally used in magic to bind or contain. That is after all why humans created rope aka cord to begin with. What is bound; negative or positive, is often up to the person who is in charge of the ritual.

So here we have a ridiculous amount of power (blood sacrifice) being used on a binding in a ritual that is supposed to bring forth a new witch?

I can see how if properly used it can be a source of binding away those things getting in the way of the new witch progressing, but that should have aided me in releasing those things from my past not created a nightmare waking of a ritual.

ON the other side of things. 

The measure can also be used and cause a person to be trapped into who they are at the time of the ritual. Forever stunting a person's growth. In all honesty, I think that is the real reason for a certain traditions problems. It is far easier for an outside person to cause a person to be bound than for them to bind that which is harmful in another. Even phycologist recognize that they cannot help a person who is troubled unless that person is willing to do the work. Not only that but the magic used for centuries with cord or rope is that of binding and when you think of rope you think of securing something; not setting free. So the basic imagery of the measure taking is of binding with the wonderful over powering of blood magic.

And the certain tradition wants me to believe they have the best magical training and information available to them? pissshhh It is either they do and are really in the business of taking prisoners not freeing witches.

Further Reading on Cord Magic


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