Consequences of Blind Trust

Somethings you have to go on blind trust in life in order to get anywhere.

You can have a house professionally inspected, but if you think about it, you are hiring a stranger. This person may have been recommended or not. In the end you are counting on being able to hold them accountable should they not report something amiss. However I have yet to hear of anyone successfully holding them accountable for missing something. When you buy a car it is the same. Both of these items are major investments but you have to do them pretty much on blind trust. Unless you do the inspections your self, then you have to rely on your own understanding of things.

One thing that can be counted on in a situation where the professionals fail is that more often than not the person injured will not expend more resources with that individual (company) and will often warn others away from the individual or company. However; word of mouth is not all that reliable as there are many factors that go into why or how a person lost faith in an individual or company. Then there are those who had nothing intentionally done to them to cause them hardship, but they don't give good references because they didn't like a personality or other item that only has barring on the "customer service" side of things not actual delivery of service or good.

It is because of this that I look for learning. Did the offending party who wronged me put into place new policys and procedures to attempt to mitigate what caused me issue. But this is also limited to if I am willing to give the offending party a second chance and somethings you just can't come back from.

Let me put this in some different terms and kind of a story.

A friend says that they have this great opportunity for you and needs a large amount of resources from you in order for you get in on the deal. This person has not broken their word prior, but can't give you the details of the opportunity because of some oath, contract, etc.

You have to decide to take the deal or not. Here are a few questions I ask myself before.
  1. If you take the deal, are you willing to lose that person as a friend? 
  2. How likely are you to cut ties if the deal screws you over? 
  3. What is your pull out point; the point in which you cut your losses and move on?
  4. How horribly wrong can it go?
  5. If it goes horribly wrong, how will it effect the rest of your life?
  6. How important are the items that could be effected to you and your risk tolerance to those items should things go horribly wrong?
And then there is the potential for people to totally fuck you over even worse than you can anticipate.

In the end one has to recognize that we are all human; we have bad days, good days, and can't all be experts in everything needed to get through life. That sometimes just because a person fails you in one area doesn't mean that they will fail you in every area. That we need to heed the word of those who are in a position to know more about an item, but must ultimately make our own decisions. It is a very hard and cruel world if you have to be the expert in everything and can't trust people to work within proven areas of expertise.


And anyone who knows me knows that was coming. We all have the right to refuse to deal with those who have exceeded even our ability to anticipate disaster.

So the consequence of Blind Trust is that we have to trust others and others should conduct themselves in a manner that recognizes this. Those that fail to realize and behave appropriately tend to have very few resources as they use them up as soon as then receive them.


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