Role Titles

Role Titles are a lot like Job Titles in my mind. Their job is to in a few words convey what this person does. Role Titles are a form of labeling, but unlike some labels, Role Titles are often earned more than given, or at least earned at one point or another.

An example would be "Manager." When you think of a manager you think of a certain level of authority and trust given to an individual.

Another example would be "Priest." Some may think of the Catholic Priest who is male, wears black clothing and a white collar. Some may think of other denominations of faith and how they dress. No matter the denomination or the dress, everyone expects a certain level of knowledge from a person who calls themselves "Priest" or in some cases "Priestess".

So, why am I rambling on about these things? Because I have been contemplating how to label myself in regards to the occult, paganism, etc.

I shy away from Priestess, because it doesn't feel right and a doubt it ever will. Just something off about that title.

Moksha Magick Master and Reiki Master are both titles I have earned through learning. But here I shy from the word Master, because anyone who really knows anything about a solid magical system knows you really never Master it. You can become rather adept or skilled, but in my mind Mastery is never really something that happens as the systems just keep giving new insights.

Student of the Unseen, sounds like it is getting close; however I am more than a student.

Path Finder. I do tend to wander and find new ways. However I don't know if the term means the same in the occult as it does in the mortal realm.

As always your comments and questions are welcome!


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