Worship Wheel

I have had this building yearning to create a system of worship beyond what I have been doing. What I have been doing has been rather simple, burn sage morning and night, with an incense stick on the weekend. But my heart is calling for something more.

Mostly the method of worship I know is Wiccan. Wiccan and I can work together, but there is much we don't agree on too. While there are some who would just go with Wiccan, because they know it and are familiar, it is just not my way. I have issues, deep rooted ones that have been fed and watered by Wiccans, with calling myself Wiccan. Because of these issues I will not sign my name to back a Wiccan of any stripe; that is part of who I am.

Add to it I have recently adopted the Norse Pantheon. The Norse God's and I seem to play well together so far. This maybe my home. The 9 tenants are things I was brought up to revere and have proven worthy of continued following. But the problem is ... I have no clue what regular worship is for this. I know I like something flexible in terms of depth and breath. Meaning I like something that can accommodate me when I have my detailed obsessed must do big production days, but can easily be modified for those days that are short on time and still feel satisfied with the workings.

Where to start?
Well I do have a book that details a little about the various God's, so I could start with planning something around the seasons by matching the gods preferred offering to the season of the year. Foreseeing another wheel of the Year posting ...

Ok so if we know what the gods like for offerings then there is the how to offer. For the most part my understanding is that the Norse God's are rather ... informal ... in comparison to my exposure to Wiccan or Greek gods. However there is this need to make it special for them that sits in my heart, so something will have to be devised to satisfy that.

Then you have the displaying of the offering to address. A lot of the offerings I know of are food based and leaving food out just will not work. So candles and colors will have to suffice I guess.

If I am going to leave candles and colors as my normal offerings then I might as well also make a permanent altar space for them as well. Good news is that I already have that space, bad news, it is small. Which brings up the possibility of God houses hung on a wall. God houses are rather easy to make in that there are many linked compartmentalized shelving options out there.

But all of this does not address the need for ritual. . . More thought is definately needed as is more research.


  1. 💓😁 thank you for sharing this. Stimulating 😁💓


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