August Full Moon - Abundance

August's Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius prioritizes community over self and loathes convention. Meanwhile, their opposite, or sister, sign, Leo, has no shame taking selfies, dedicating quality time to self-care, embracing what's popular, and presenting it in a way that earns them lots of applause (hello, countless pop stars — from Madonna to Dua Lipa — born under the fire sign). And while this full moon is happening in the sign of the Water Bearer, it opposes the sun in its last degree of Leo. When a planet is hanging out at 29 degrees of any sign, also referred to as the Anaretic degree, you can expect to experience the most intense, peak energy of that sign — as well as a sense of urgency. So with the sun at 29 degrees Leo, this full moon could stir up peak regal energy. You could feel truly comfortable in your skin, at the top of your game, craving recognition, and driven to do whatever you need to do to make sure you see your desires fulfilled — because you're the star of this cinematic moment. On the flip side, taking this energy too far could result in greediness and self-absorption, which is a reminder to remain grounded while you capitalize on the buoyancy and glitz of the moment.(1)

Full Moons are typically about Truth, Release, and Pause. This is the time to take a moment and re-center on what your truth is and release what is holding you back. As this is an Aquarian Full Moon with a Leo Sun the areas that you are going to have the most assisting power are going to be finding your truth about your place in your community and what conventions are holding you back while giving you a sense of assurance that you are doing right or what is needed. 

Full Moon Journaling

What and where have I been neglecting my life?
I have been rather neglectful of my spirit this last month. Having come to the conclusion that I was progressing to the seriously over weight category I decided to pursue a gym membership. In my usual manner this new thing has pretty much dominated my life. Now that I have been going to the gym for a bit the furvert that comes with "new" in my life is drifting off and I can start to rebalance my life. That the gym took over so much of my mind's attention also tells me that my spiritual practice was not all that well suited for me. Back to the drawing board I go on that. 

Where is my heart wanting me to be?
My love is growing food or plants in general. As much as I am grateful for the job that I have, it is not where my heart is. I have recently made contact with a local nursery that specializes in edible landscaping or as it is called now, Food Forests. The trek down this road has started with the purchase of a ground cover plant to improve the existing soil I have and a moringa tree. I had not realized how much work I had put into my old house/land or how spoiled I was to have the 2 moringa trees I had at it. On the same note, but different angle I am exploring free lancing options. Namely what skills are there a demand for and can I learn them. This way I can control how much and when I work (yes I know a business is like having a spouse), but the hope is that I can get to a point that I have a stream of income from it. 

How can I better connect with friends and family?
Lately I have been missing the social network that I had in the area I grew up in. Knowing who to call for what or who to talk to about different things for good leads helps tremendously. On the other side of that coin, that area has and is changing so much that those who I knew with leads were turning to be not so good of leads. The work needed to find good leads was about the same as finding things now. That being said I do need to make an effort to start making more contacts in the area I am in, so that I can potentially expand my friend base. 



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