June 2021 - Self Love Waning Moon


June is the month of focusing on self love. 

From Wikipedia:
Self-love, defined as "love of self" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage", has been conceptualized both as a basic human necessity and as a moral flaw, akin to vanity and selfishness, synonymous with amour proper, conceitedness, egotism, narcissism, et al. However, throughout the centuries self-love has adopted a more positive connotation through pride parades, Self Respect Movement, self-love protests, the hippie era, the New Age feminist movement as well as the increase in mental health awareness that promotes self-love as intrinsic to self-help and support groups working to prevent substance abuse and suicide.

I am immensely grateful for my health. having learned that I had lost a friend to ill health, another friend is possibly seriously ill and other happenings. I am immensely grateful, that while not as great of health as I could have, I am still better off than others.

I am no longer the person I was when I worked Security. I no longer have the need to not feel out of self preservation. It is easy to fall into those old patterns in some cases, but they are like ill fitting clothing. Interestingly now that I work in a manner that doesn't require the wearing of a lot of my clothing I have changed my preferences for clothing. My tendency is now toward loose and flowing, but then a lot of my snugger fitting clothing was also as a result of wearing layers either for comfort at work or on a motorcycle.

I need to give serious consideration to food / meal planning this week. While I am working toward my own food security in gardening. The autumn growing season is coming up and planning for it tends to yield better than not.

I am taking it easy on myself this week. No pushing to get things beyond the basics this week. the weather is also enforcing this causing me to be achy, boy oh boy am I not looking forward to how achy I am going to be after 60.


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