Due to religion being something we all struggle to add to our lives, being pagan, and having the need or desire to have a regular journaling routine; I decided to create this guide for myself. Using the cycles of the moon and the lore in the pagan community to create a flexible journaling routine for myself. The idea is to create something that allows for small steps to progress to a larger picture using the general pagan first and second wheels of the year; the Sabbats and the moon phases.
Due to my wanting to make this more of a guide to journaling rather than a study on the Sabbats and Moon Phases they will be referenced only enough to be prompts on what information to possibly combine for the actual journal writing. If you have not already collected this information it is recommended that you do so first. The collection can be as simple as a book that covers said topic. I make this recommendation so that if you are stumped on what to write you have something to go to to reference for inspiration.
At the end of this writing and collection is a worksheet. I work best with a “formal” starting place and in writing that is an outline. The worksheet is meant to be an outline to start writing from. In some cases you might find that all you write is the answers to the worksheet, other cases you might continue on and on from one point or another. That is exactly what it is meant to do.
Finally even if you do not have larger goals in your life at this time, this process can help you realize where you are trying to go, but have not fully acknowledged. It is achieved by just writing for a few months then reviewing what you wrote for common themes of desired outcomes or successes or even perceived failures. All of these can be used as guideposts to the patterns in our lives and as such where we are taking ourselves.
The Sabbats
The Moon Phases
New Moon
Rebirth, Reflection, Meditation
New Moon Journal Prompts
How am I feeling now? How do I feel about the world? How am I going to act on those feelings? Is there a positive outcome from acting on those feelings? Can I make a positive outcome by acting on those feelings?
Is there an idea that has been around for a while?
What are 9 things that I desire?
What am I grateful for that has happened since the last new moon? Is there something that happened last month that I should leave behind?
What are 9 things I believe in? Am I living in harmony with those beliefs? If not, what can I do to resolve this difference?
Waxing Crescent
Inspiration, Boundaries, Intention
First Quarter
Action, Decision Making, Planning
Waxing Moon Journal Prompts
What is inspiring me right now? Is it causing me to grow?
What is one small thing I can do to move towards a goal or realizing a dream?
How am I currently working toward growing or improving?
Where would I like to grow spiritually? Mentally? Emotionally? Physically? What small thing, for each, can I start doing now work toward realizing this growth?
List 9 reasons you deserve your dreams
Waxing Gibbous
Refinement, Re-evaluation, Reflection
Truth, Release, Pause
Full Moon Journal Prompts
What and where have I been neglecting my life?
Where is my heart wanting me to be?
What opportunities are available to me? Should I take them? Why?
Where can I increase peace at home?
How can I better connect with friends and family?
Am I properly providing for my body’s needs?
Am I tending my soul’s needs?
What am I holding on to?
Where have I been under performing? Why?
What do I need to let go of?
Are there places in my life out of alignment with my intentions or goals?
What are my fears?
How can I re-visualize some areas of my life?
Waning Gibbous
Celebration, Sharing, Gratitude
Third Quarter
Forgiveness, Acknowledgement, Cleansing
Waning Moon Prompts
What am I most grateful for?
What have I learned this month?
How have I grown this month?
Is there anything I need to leave behind?
What can I pursue in the next cycle?
What self care am I doing this week?
Waning Crescent
Surrender, Healing, Mindfulness
Monthly Moon Journal Prompts
Secret Dreams
New pursuits
Where do you get your energy from
What Deity or Entity is calling you to work with them
Self Love
Achievement so far
Letting go
Honor the Dead
Nurturing connections
Moon Phase Journaling Worksheet
Moon is the Sign Of:
The Sign is Known For:
What am I working towards in:
Emotional Self Care
Physical Self Care
Intention for this Moon Phase:
Monthly Moon Journal Prompt:
Things I am Grateful For:
What am I working towards this Moon Phase:
How I am going to get there:
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