Certainty and the Need to be Right

We all want a certainty in our lives. We want to know that we will get something from what we put out. We want to know that we are right in our views, words, actions, etc.

The thing is there is no certainty other than change. Things can change for the better. They can change for the worse. In the end it is all about change. Even death is just another form of change.

That really is the all of this post, yet I feel the need to add more. The question is; what is the more?

I don't understand my own desire for certainty sometimes. Why do I "have" to be right? Why do I "have" to get something in return? In all honestly the need to be right often is the bigger driver for me as I do a lot of things because they make me happy and that is the only expectation I have of those actions.

This need to be right, just to focus on one of my biggest ones, drives a lot of different behaviors. It can be the root to some serious research on a topic. It can also lead to the temptation of lying. It can also lead to stagnation from fear of being wrong. However it is only through the willingness to be wrong that one can grow.

The masses need for someone to be right seems to, in my opinion, fuel a great many things. Just like many would rather follow than lead, many would rather have someone dictate to them what is right. There are a few items that for the most part people agree are not right; killing being one.


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