Oath Breaking

Everyone makes, takes, gives oaths in their life. Informal ones of being at the same location on the same day at about the same time. To formal written and witnessed.

And we all break them at one point or another.

You heard me right, we all break all of our oaths at one point or another. Those called trust worthy or honorable either don't make oaths they know they can't keep, know how to craft an oath so they can't break it, or know which oaths to break and when.

It's also a matter of knowing How to break those oaths. If you are sick and call out of work, you have broken an oath, but done so in a matter that is socially acceptable. However if you use this socially acceptable excuse to break your oath too much it becomes unacceptable and you will need a new excuse or face termination.

So why bother with oaths?


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