To Rebell or To Not - What is the line between Passion and Toxicity?

 Everyone faces times in their lives where there is the option of following the set of rules they have accepted into their life or not. Some call these trails of faith, others call it testing your morals, but no matter what they are defining moments. Moments that will break you and remake you all in one. Times when you will find out if your set of rules will stand the test of time.

When faced with these trials everyone will respond differently. I tend to extremes, but then my natal charts says that too, but the natal chart is not an excuse, and neither is my knowledge of myself. Just because I tend to a behavior set, does not mean I have an excuse to behave in that manner. Knowing the tendency, means I need to plan for it and set up means for me to recognize when I am, not justify it because "it's my nature" otherwise I need to turn in my "sapient card". Sapient meaning "of a species or life-form, possessing intelligence or self-awareness."

So ... what is my "extreme" tendency when my life rules are challenged? Why, none other than out right rebellion and to fight. Because the other option is feeling like shit over something else happening that is equally against my life rules. Which then leads to that whole "call of the rebel" thing and inciting rebellion wherever I go on any topic associated with the original. This tendency is also re-enforced because it is often in this rebellious mode that I find a solution to the situation. The rebel also finds all the other locations in the rule system that will cause future conflict and starts the process of resolving those conflicts. Rebellion is useful.

Some would say that this is "does not play well with others," I say that is bull. I play just fine with others, until others put me in a no-win situation that ends up in a full out rebellion that typically leads me to a solution. Labeling me as "does not play well with others" because you put me in a no-win situation and I found a solution, is lazy in my book and a refusal to accept responsibility for yourself.

In reality this is no different than any other person, everyone has to find their way through their troubles, or their troubles will trouble them no more. One way or another. So, what is the difference, what makes my Rebellion so .. me? Passon, or as otherwise know in the Pagan sphere, Fire. Which is ironically the hall mark of most rebellions, for some reason every historical rebellion mentions fire set to different items.

Fire, aka Passion, is not something to be fearful off. Passion out of control is something to fear, but that is something different, or is it? Perhaps that is the difficulty that is really being shown. I totally have done the "burn it all down" thing, not dodging it, but I do wonder if in the past I could have avoided if we as a culture had not declared war on such a male element? After all Fire is called a male element and we seem hell bent on labeling a heck of a lot of male or masculine behavior as toxic. Not saying there is not toxic male behaviors, but in our declaring war on male behaviors we have perhaps forgotten something.

Mayhap, we need to learn what the line between passion and toxicity really is?

After all we all seem to enjoy Passion/Fire in love, who doesn't love toe curling sex? But what about being passionate about other things? Why is it wrong? Why are certain things right?

Is it really "does not play well with others" if one is passionate about personal boundaries being honored? or about safety? 

That's my two cents for what it is worth. Feel Free to comment or email.


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