Bad Seed, or is it?

 We all get "bad seed" in life. What you do about the "bad seed" is the most important thing you can do for yourself.

The first part of dealing with bad seed is determining what type of bad seed is it. Was the seed mislabeled and as a result you ended up with a harvest that was unexpected or with an invasive or undesirable outcome. Was the seed spoiled in a possible good manner, such as we ferment food stuffs thus retendering it only capable of supporting ourselves for the time that it is around but unable to propagate it further without further knowledge of the steps and materials needed. Was the seed spoiled by the introduction of poisonous items?

Of these outcomes, only one really stands out as an actual time to get rid of the seed outcome and that is if there were poisonous items introduced. However, while that seems like an obvious outcome, it may not be. After all much of modern medicine involves the careful application of potent chemicals in a controlled manner, chemicals that could kill or have other side effects considered to be detrimental. In a social setting this could just be very extreme ideals, while knowing of them allows you to formulate a means to define your own, engaging or fully incorporating them can have undesirable outcomes.

Having grown up in South Florida I am reasonably versed in the dangers of invasive species, Brazilian pepper, melaleuca, etc. These are plants or animals that are not in their native local and as a result do not have their normal checks to keep them from taking over. As a result, they crowd out the native species and endanger the balance that is needed for others to grow. This is also seen when a group of strong individuals who have a high charisma factor move to an area that people are used to taking others at their word. Whether or not these strong individual's ideas are "right" for the area they have moved to is irrelevant to these invaders, only that their familiar is obtained. As a result, the locals learn to distrust each other and anything outside or new.

Then there are the seeds that have been processed in a manner that makes growing the same plant again not possible. When you ferment beans into miso paste you cannot grow a bean plant from the end result and to have miso paste again you need to know all the steps that lead up to the final product. Or it could be a genetically engineered plant that while the plant grows and produces quite well, you cannot use the seeds to produce the same plant again. This could be a person who says that your knowledge of something is incomplete and only using their methodology on their time frame, etc will cure it. This could also be a person who thinks they have the right to mold or shape you, after you have become an adult that is. While that person might have the best of interests, if they are not giving you the tools to shape or mold yourself, they are denying you the ability to reproduce the results in your life in other areas.

Bad Seed is a tricky subject and no one answer will ever be right all the time. Keeping a journal or other means of writing down what you have been given and evaluating it in a similar method as above is the best means to learn how to identify what you have been given and what to do about it. Then if your decision does not turn out as expected, you can write down the results and figure out where in your decision did you miss something that was important to the out come.  This is called critical thinking, I believe, and it is a constantly evolving tool you will use your whole life no matter where you are.


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