New Habits ... Same Me?
Since the move and start of a new job ... all the new. I have noticed a few new (to my awareness anyway) things. I tend to forget more when I am overwhelmed. I go into this automatic mode. Things that I do regularly still function as everyone is accustomed to, but higher thinking does not happen. The first sign of it is I stop daily journaling and start eating the same foods. I also tend to be more of a people pleaser during an overwhelmed mode, saying yes to things I wouldn't normally or forgetting about things that would conflict with my ability to fulfill prior obligations or the new request. I am drawn to art more and want to create. Yet when it comes to the actual creation of art I either shut down completely or become overwhelmed to the point of tears. I don't know why. It is an improvement over prior, but still ... I don't have words. Dramatic art pieces or strong emotional music will bring tears to my eyes or cause a shut down. Best I can guess is something long br...