Mis-Begotten? "Need" for Control - musings

A rather random set of thoughts decided to invade my mind this morning. Some musings about the need for control that I personally experience and I know everyone probably struggles with from time to time. Hey, Look I am shrinking my own head. *giggle Snort*

Everyone's need to feel in control shows up differently. Mine shows in the need to have everything neat and tidy, in it's own place and that place better be the same each time. Amongst also always trying to find a way to ensure out comes. My "manager" or "supervisor" positions were obtained because not only did I feel that I could do a better job than those in them prior, but because I needed to control things from those positions for myself. Those are the ones I know of anyway; there are probably more that those closest to me could illuminate.

Each of my "need for control" areas come from different segments of my life, but all those segments have one thing in common; I was seriously hurt because I did not have the needed "power" to get those with the power to listen or remove myself from the situation. It is these personal areas and the demonstrated behaviors of a particular Tradition that is the reason I will probably never see that Tradition in a "good light" or as something of value, but know one said that I have to join either. As long as they mind their manners, most importantly do not pull the "your inferior because your not one of us" card, I will do my best to leave be. However difficult that is because I see them as a threat to the Pagan Movement as a whole, much the same as sexual predators are in a sex magic setting.

The above came hot and fast after a single question crossed my mind; Why do women seek to  think they can or have the right to change men?

This question then brings up musings about how women have been objectified for the selling of various items using images of them in what is considered attractive or alluring manners. In short Sex Sells, it does that because it is a major driving factor for everyone in life. Sex is a means for everyone to touch the divine, if only briefly, and that is probably one of the reasons for it being such a good motivator. . .

A woman's body produces life, thus by controlling a woman's body certain people display their need/want/desire to control the uncontrollable, because life is the exact opposite of control. That's an interesting thought line. Because a woman's body is the vessel in which new life is brought forth, can it be said that by controlling a woman's body is an attempt to control that which life comes from, the divine? A lot of people I know say children are a blessing; I call them a huge responsibility and lots of work, but meh.

Either way  I wish all a good day, and hope it was at least entertaining to read.


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