Personal Wheel of the Year

Wheel of the Year seems to be a regular topic for me.

In my post on Soul Level Wounds I had expressed the learning of my personal Beltane and Samhain. I want to explore this more.

I think it would be more appropriate to say that February 16 is more of a personal Imbolc or the start of a new growth season than Beltane. February 16 is in the range of dates that my fertilized egg could have implanted into my mother's womb. For some reason the need to dig out the planetary alignments also hit me so the following is information from a public free natal chart website.

Imbolc is considered to be on February 2 by those who follow the calendar of set dates and at 15 degrees Aquarius for those who follow the planetary alignment. For my purposes of this writing I will be paying attention to the Aquarius, Sun, Moon, and rising information. Aquarius because that is the fixed sign of Imbolc. The Sun, Moon, and rising because of their major impacts on anyone.

Rising Sign is in 07 Degrees Gemini 
Extremely active by nature, you like to get around, meet people and do different things. Very restless, you just can't seem to stay put. You need to be involved in several projects at once in order to keep your mind stimulated. You like to read books and to write letters and to talk -- constantly. Seemingly ageless, you will always appear to be much younger than you really are. Very adaptable and inquisitive, you are always open to new ideas and experiences. A "jack-of-all-trades", you are lively and versatile. Because of the high nervous tension that you always seem to have, athletic activity would be a good way for you to burn off energy. But be careful of a tendency to experience things only superficially -- try to dig in and absorb things at a deeper level. 

Sun is in 27 Degrees Aquarius. 
You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology. 

Moon is in 01 Degrees Leo. 
You always want to be proud of yourself and will never do anything that will make yourself look bad. You need the respect and admiration of others and enjoy attracting attention to yourself. Everything you do tends to be self-emphasized and self-exaggerated. Very stubborn, willful and independent yourself, be sure to allow others who are close to you the similar right to "be themselves." Your need for love, affection and reassurance, and your tendency toward vanity, allow you to have your head easily turned by flattery. The more insecure you are, the more you tend to be a showoff. You love games and sports as a matter of fact, you would usually rather play than work. Be careful of a tendency to be snobbish and uppity -- it does not become you. 

My personal Samhain seems to be on October 25. The following is from the same free public natal chart website. Again I will be paying attention to the Sun, Moon, Rising, and this time to Scorpio as it is the fixed sign for Samhain. Typically Samhain is observed on October 31 by those that follow the fixed calendar and at 15 degrees Scorpio by those who use the planetary alignments.

 Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Capricorn 
You are practical and reserved but very ambitious. An achiever and a hard worker, you respect success. Older looking and very serious as a youth, things lighten up and you relax more as you mature. You have a serious view of the world as being a difficult place to be in. Very envious of those who seem to have an easier life than you have, relaxation and play do not come easily. It is important that you had abundant parental support as a child so that you do not feel lonely and isolated as an adult. Generally, you have a good, earthy sense of humor that can carry you through when times really do get tough. You are purposeful, self-willed, industrious, realistic and responsible. 

Sun is in 02 Degrees Scorpio. 
Intense and complex by nature, you have extremely strong emotional reactions to most situations. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. Therefore you have a tendency to be very quiet - - to brood and think a lot. You seldom get overtly angry, but, when you do, you are furious and unforgiving. When you make an emotional commitment, it is total -- you are not attracted to superficial or casual relationships. If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner. You love mysteries and the supernatural. A good detective, you love getting to the roots of problems and you enjoy finding out what makes other people tick. You are known to be very willful, very powerful and quite tenacious! 

Moon is in 08 Degrees Libra. 
Affectionate, warm and friendly, life must be a "beautiful" experience for you. Unpleasantness should be avoided at all costs. You tend to overlook other people's faults and you would rather give in than fight. You are uncomfortable with strangers, but at ease and sociable with friends and associates. Indeed, you would rather socialize than work -- you can use your prodigious charm to avoid unpleasant tasks. You need the support and assistance of another in order to get you started on any new project -- you are not a self-starter. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent (i.e., lazy). Your refined aesthetic sensibilities attract you to music, dance, art and any other cultured activity. 

Both of these seem to be rather accurate for my purposes. It also, at least to my mind, tells me exactly how I get into trouble at these times of the year and my tenancies for these times of the year as well. My hunch was right, at least in my eyes.


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