
Showing posts from August, 2018


This morning I read a blog post from on forgiveness it got me to thinking. I readily forgave the person who rear ended me and cause me much suffering, but yet those who bounced me off a door while blind folded I am still pissed off at. WHY? When I took the motorcycle endorsement class they devoted an entire section of the class to the statistics of riding. This biggest statistics covered were injury, permanent disability, and death rates. By the time of my accident I had been riding for close to 8 years. In the eight years I  had been riding I knew many riders who had been hit; seen the injuries, held their hands in the hospital, and the like. I knew the risks. I wore the gear, because I knew it reduced the damage one would incur. In the riding world there are riders who have been down and there are riders who are going to go down. In other words it is an inevitable thing. Yet us crazy people still choose to get on that 2 wheeled contraption of death and mutilatio...

Worship Wheel

I have had this building yearning to create a system of worship beyond what I have been doing. What I have been doing has been rather simple, burn sage morning and night, with an incense stick on the weekend. But my heart is calling for something more. Mostly the method of worship I know is Wiccan. Wiccan and I can work together, but there is much we don't agree on too. While there are some who would just go with Wiccan, because they know it and are familiar, it is just not my way. I have issues, deep rooted ones that have been fed and watered by Wiccans, with calling myself Wiccan. Because of these issues I will not sign my name to back a Wiccan of any stripe; that is part of who I am. Add to it I have recently adopted the Norse Pantheon. The Norse God's and I seem to play well together so far. This maybe my home. The 9 tenants are things I was brought up to revere and have proven worthy of continued following. But the problem is ... I have no clue what regular worship is ...

Remaking the Wheel of the Year?

Now that we have Jail Braked the Wheel of the Year; lets see if we can remake it into something easier to follow based off the rhythms of the three major planets in it. Lets start with the Tables for the Wheel of the Year SABBAT CELEBRATION CALENDAR ASTROLOGICAL Yule Winter Solstice 0* Capricorn 0* Capricorn Imbolc High Winter February 1 or 2 15* Aquarius Ostara Spring Equinox 0* Aries 0* Aries Beltane High Spring May 1 15* Taurus Litha Summer Solstice 0* Cancer 0* Cancer Lammas High Summer August 1 15* Leo Mabon Autumnal Equinox 0* Libra 0* Libra Samhain High Autumn October 31 15* Scorpio SABBAT CELEBRATION ELEMENT ZODIAC SIGN QUALITY Yule Winter Solstice Earth Capricorn Cardinal Imbolc High Winter Air Aquarius Fixed Water Pisces Mutable Ostara Spring Equinox Fire Aries Cardinal Belt...

Jail Breaking the Wheel of the Year

There was a time that I was into the whole do the wheel of the Year by the planet's . Meaning I took the time to find the holidays based on the half way mark of the appropriate zodiac sign. Click here for a blog post on it . Then the practicality of have to calculate when certain Sabats were going to be set it. It's just not practical for me to sit and spend time on it. There was a time that marking the wheel of the Year set forth by Wica was important to me or in reality it was important to mark it for some reason. Then I realized those people and I do not share much in common. Where I value certain things like honor and honesty, they seem to value the opposite. So my whole motivation to attempt to follow that wheel of the Year evaporated. Yet I still love and am drawn to the pictures of the wheel of the year, so I had a good think about it. Life is a cycle. The Wheel of the Year happens wether or not we want it to. Meaning we humans have no control over the Wheel, we ca...