
Showing posts from June, 2022

To Rebell or To Not - What is the line between Passion and Toxicity?

 Everyone faces times in their lives where there is the option of following the set of rules they have accepted into their life or not. Some call these trails of faith, others call it testing your morals, but no matter what they are defining moments. Moments that will break you and remake you all in one. Times when you will find out if your set of rules will stand the test of time. When faced with these trials everyone will respond differently. I tend to extremes, but then my natal charts says that too, but the natal chart is not an excuse, and neither is my knowledge of myself. Just because I tend to a behavior set, does not mean I have an excuse to behave in that manner. Knowing the tendency, means I need to plan for it and set up means for me to recognize when I am, not justify it because "it's my nature" otherwise I need to turn in my "sapient card". Sapient meaning "of a species or life-form, possessing intelligence or self-awareness." So ... what...