Grief and Trauma Healing

from It is interesting. According to societies norms we do not set out to receive or experience grief or trauma. Yet life is full of it, right from the moment that we are first brought from the womb into the world. So perhaps avoiding grief and trauma are not the way to go? We’ve learned that negative experiences can spur positive change, including a recognition of personal strength, the exploration of new possibilities, improved relationships, a greater appreciation for life, and spiritual growth. We see this in people who have endured war, natural disasters, bereavement, job loss and economic stress, serious illnesses and injuries. (2) Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) refers to what can happen when someone who has difficulty bouncing back experiences a traumatic event that challenges his or her core beliefs, endures psychological struggle (even a mental illness such as post-traumatic stress disorder), and then ultimately finds a sens...