Due to religion being something we all struggle to add to our lives, being pagan, and having the need or desire to have a regular journaling routine; I decided to create this guide for myself. Using the cycles of the moon and the lore in the pagan community to create a flexible journaling routine for myself. The idea is to create something that allows for small steps to progress to a larger picture using the general pagan first and second wheels of the year; the Sabbats and the moon phases. Due to my wanting to make this more of a guide to journaling rather than a study on the Sabbats and Moon Phases they will be referenced only enough to be prompts on what information to possibly combine for the actual journal writing. If you have not already collected this information it is recommended that you do so first. The collection can be as simple as a book that covers said topic. I make this recommendation so that if you are stumped on what to write you have something to go to to refer...