Mis-Begotten? "Need" for Control - musings

A rather random set of thoughts decided to invade my mind this morning. Some musings about the need for control that I personally experience and I know everyone probably struggles with from time to time. Hey, Look I am shrinking my own head. *giggle Snort* Everyone's need to feel in control shows up differently. Mine shows in the need to have everything neat and tidy, in it's own place and that place better be the same each time. Amongst also always trying to find a way to ensure out comes. My "manager" or "supervisor" positions were obtained because not only did I feel that I could do a better job than those in them prior, but because I needed to control things from those positions for myself. Those are the ones I know of anyway; there are probably more that those closest to me could illuminate. Each of my "need for control" areas come from different segments of my life, but all those segments have one thing in common; I was seriously hurt...