
Showing posts from June, 2018

Seeing the Gods in Life

They have been poking at me to write this. Where a lot of people see the Gods at work in the world around them, I also see them at work in myself. When I need to prank someone to get them to learn a lesson; Loki. Loki and I get along Way Too Well for everyone's sanity. When there is a need for strength for a fight; Thor. Ironically or maybe it is appropriate, when I have the Leadership hat on; Frigg and Odin. They balance each other out quite well. When I need to retire some energy, need a new way to achieve a goal; Heckate


Initiation. Been seeing a lot of other bloggers write about the topic of initiation. It is a word that still is like nails on a chalk board to me. Complete with comical teeth grinding and gnashing. Naturally this makes it a topic I must focus on and ask why. Most of the documented initiations involve a ritual binding and blindfolding. I get the point of it; you were blind and now you see. But these seem to discount those that already see without their "brand" of whatever. Which I consider very rude and disrespectful; disregarding a person's natural inclination, ability, pick a word, to figure out a puzzle in spite of "your" secrets. At this point some have said that is how they know the person is ready for the ritual. Then why all this smoke and mirror routine? Just to be dishonest, to misdirect, for the fun of it? Well that's boring and a waste of time. If I wanted that level of intrigue I would be making much more money every year or working for the go...

Why Pagan?

I have been asked this many times in a very short period, so I think someone is trying to get me to write about it. Here I go again ... Why Pagan? I like the tracking of the seasons and cycles of life. Giving honor to and learning how to see the patterns in life. It has taught me what to look for to feel the winds of change. To value the quiet smoldering passion over an all consuming one. To seek the deeper currents, but respect the unpredictability of the various levels while understanding how they all feed into each other. When to hold fast and how to build up pressure. Freedom of belief. The lack of orthodoxy is a real relief. I am free to believe what I will. However I do find it a little comical that there is this concept of Orthopraxy; proper practice. When for almost every person out there, there is a different practice. Sure there are some common elements in some, but then for every group there is another that is doing with out. Communing with the Gods  is my respon...