Imbolc? Whoops 10 Days to Late
Imbolc so named because that is when things give birth and are in milk or so I have been taught. The other reason for the season is cause the days are getting noticeably longer. This time is celebrated as a returning to light, often with candle masses and everything light not to mention white. Honestly, I don't know why you would want an animal to be pregnant during winter. You have to provide that much more nutrition to the animal to keep it alive and in my mind run a higher chance of the not born yet animal being naturally aborted due to stress from the weather. Then you have the snow issues, most places that get snow this is the heaviest time of year. So you want to now worry about the newly born animal freezing? But what do I know? I haven't run food production animal husbandry farm in any place that has freezing weather. For me Imbolc or I should say the Month of February is a time of preparation, hope and a bit of anxiety. Around mid-month, aka about right now, I am look...