
Showing posts from December, 2021

What Time is it?

 There was a time when I had to read all the newest blog posts from all the bloggers out there, that time is not now. There was a time when I would chase new information and fall into every rabbit hole out there for paganism, that time is not now. There was a time when I would write mini books on various topics, that time is not now. There was a time when the ultimate vacation was a pagan festival, that time is not now. So what is it time for? I can honestly say I do not know. My expectations for people and my tolerance for things has changed. No longer do I care if a group accepts me. No longer do I ponder big lofty ideals.  Character, it was something that was a huge campaign done by the school system I grew up in. They even had cartoon characters to represent the different aspects of character. For the life of me, I cant remember a one. But character is what I care about. Do you do you best to do right by others? Even if you dislike a person do you give a moment of time to ...

Arrogant, Pride, Ego ... Oh My

 Arrogant  - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities As with the opposite chief feature of self-deprecation, arrogance is a way of manipulating others’ perceptions of yourself in order to avoid taking a “hit” to your self-esteem. In this case, however, the basic strategy is to get others to see you as special, perfect or flawless — diverting attention from your ordinary imperfections, weaknesses and failings — and thereby keeping your self-esteem artificially inflated. ["Arrogance" published on Personality &] Components of Arrogance:  ["Arrogance" published on Personality &] In the case of arrogance, the early negative experiences typically consist of disapproval or outright criticism from significant others, especially the parents but also siblings and others. From such experiences of competition, disapproval and conditional love, the [individual] comes to perceive their well-being ...